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Juliana, Glenn, and Michonne took off in the opposite direction of Daryl and Rosita. Rosita had decided to go with Daryl, and as much as Juliana wanted to go after him she just couldn't. Being too angry got you killed out here, and as much as she cared about him and as guilty as it made her feel, she still had the want and the need to survive.

"The thing is," Glenn started as Michonne and Juliana trudged after him through the drying underbrush, "Those men could be in Alexandria right now."

"If they are, they're dead," Juliana muttered.

Glenn's paced slowed a little to match Juliana and Michonne, "I hope not," he admitted to Juliana, glanced sideways to her off and on as they continued on, "We need them alive. We need to find out more."

"Yeah," Michonne added in with a sigh, "We do."

Juliana felt like she was underwater; their voices coming and going like waves around her. Her steps became slower and slower until they came to a stop in front of a stagnant body of water. She stared down at the water for a moment, watching as the breeze lightly created ripples on the surface. Her feet shuffled underneath her before she turned, staring back in the direction they had come.

"We just got stuck with each other," she mused out loud. Glenn and Michonne watched her with sympathetic looks, "We were lucky. We figured it all out together. It felt like we did. After everything..we did." Her head turned to the two of them and she swallowed thickly, "The world's not what we thought it was. The Hilltop you talk about, the Saviors – it's bigger."

Almost as if on cue, a whistle broke through the silence around them. Juliana whipped around, pulling the gun from her hip. Glenn had readied himself and Michonne had pulled her katana from its sheath.

Another whistle. Then another.

Juliana could feel her heart fall into her stomach, and without a word between the three of them, they knew they had become surrounded by a group of Saviors. Her fingers gripped her weapon tighter as her palms clamed up. As her eyes shifted around from man to man, a figure stepped out from behind a large tree, gun extended in their direction. It was Dwight.


Glenn began to lower his gun, knowing that three against an unknown number would be fruitless. Juliana on the other hand, had a fire light up underneath her as soon as Dwight stepped out from behind that tree. Her thumb reached up, cocking the gun back and she took a couple large steps towards Dwight, her emotions getting the better of her. That need to survive replaced with the want of revenge.

"I wouldn't do that, princess," Dwight teased, keeping a steady gaze on her. He motioned with his head towards another Savior who then walked away for a moment, pulling back with him Rosita and a severely beaten Daryl, "And yet here you are, thinking you're gonna get off scot-free from pointing a gun at my head. You sure are digging yourself and your boyfriend a deeper hole, huh?"

His arm moved to Daryl's direction, and he fired. Juliana jumped at the sound; heart beating wildly in her chest as she all but dropped the gun at Dwight's feet, "Stop!" she shouted, desperately as the gun fired.

Dwight had purposely missed hitting Daryl, but it was enough to get Juliana to drop the gun and get her attention. With a crooked smirk, he stepped forwards to her, head slightly cocked on one side and the gun now lowered at his side, "Put them all in the van," he ordered the other men, keeping his eyes locked on Juliana, "They've got someone to meet. And you – "he took another step closer to her, lifting up the gun and using the muzzle of the gun to lift her chin up to meet his eyes, "You got someone who's been lookin' for you."

A/N: Thanks for everyone's patience while I updated! I've been extremely busy (I graduate March 1st), had a poster presentation on some reptile and amphibian surveys I did, and unfortunately, lost my dog a week before my birthday, so its been a whirlwind. Thanks for sticking with me, and let me know: do you want the story to end here, or would you be interested in a part two? Let me know!

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