3 Months before

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Dick woke up, confused at first when he felt something plushy under him. He didn't remember much of last night, but he could tell by the smell in the air and the furniture he felt under him that they were no longer outside. He could hear shuffling around in the other room, making him wonder what time it was.

"Dick? Your finally awake." Jason said, appearing into the room from the bathroom to see Dick looking at him, his milky blue eyes half open and his hair standing up in different places on his head. Dick just grunted, rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked with a groggy voice.

"Its twelve in the afternoon." Jason said, walking over to the counter to sit on one of the bar stools. "Roy went out to hide the motorcycles in the garage and Kayla went to flick on the back up generator so that we don't alarm the power company. The generator is supposed to last for up to a year, so if Deathstroke doesn't have the need to look for you, then I'd say we are safe here." Jason said, watching as Dick stumbled out of the long couch and run into a few of the other furniture before finally making it to where Jason was.

"Deathstroke knows exactly where I am. The tracker on my vein is basically a leash at this point." Dick grumbled, yawning into his hands.

"Yeah, but we have been hidden for a month so far, and we haven't seen him at all." Jason said.

"I guess, but that makes it even scarier." Dick mumbled.

Jason rolled his eyes and saw all the lights flicker on. He slid out of the bar stool, reaching for one of the duffle bags. "The generators on, you hungry?" He asked.

"I know I am!" Kayla shouted from the basement, walking up the stairs.

"I just woke up, of course I am hungry." Dick said, feeling as he sat down on the bar stool.

"Alright, then im gonna start lunch I guess and then maybe we will look around the new place." Jason said.

  "Okay... im gonna go to the bathroom." Dick stood there for a moment before he realized that this was a new place and he had yet to walk the place to get a feel for the layout. He turned to Jason's presence. "Mind showing me where it is?"

  Jason walked around the counter, gripped both of Dick's shoulders before dragging him to the bathroom. He shut the door behind Dick, leaving him to feel the bathroom for himself.

  Dick sighed and leaned back on the door, putting all his weight on the door. He didn't realize that he slid to the floor until he could feel the coldness make contact with his butt and palms. It had been a while since he had the place to be alone and think. It was never a good idea for him to be alone, but now, he wasn't scared to be alone anymore. He wasn't scared to be alone with his mind, and to him, that was the best feeling he could ask for. He just hoped it will stay that way for a while.

A/N: Happy New years guys and welcome to 2017! This is a small chapter, but its just basically the prologue. The next chapter will be 3 months from this time, so I will have it up hopefully soon. Sorry i didnt post earlier, I am sadly suffering a hangover from New years eve xD we popped champagne, wine and margaritas so bare with me xD. Hope you guys had a good time as well!!
  Also the cover photo isn't my work, all I did was add the color to their suits :) Love you guys and see you in the next chapter.

To Mend the Broken[Sequel/FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now