Chapter 18

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The darkness of his cell was welcomed as he was lying on his side, twitching to the left over serum in his body. His breathing was slow but rasping, while his half lidded eyes stared forward through his growing hair. He was almost pleased he couldn't see, because he would be ashamed at just how he must look.

He shivered again as a cold breeze rushed through him. He curled up into a compacted ball, shielding his ears. This made his thoughts louder, the thoughts that echoed through his mind, calling him a coward, a betrayer. He knew these were the side effects from the serum, but he couldn't help listening to each one as they hit his mind.

He felt numb, not just from the serum, but from what he was told a week ago. He was told his friends had died. That Jason had died in the explosion. He didn't want to believe it, but he was hopeless. He only had Bruce, but he couldn't see him, nor hear him. All this was crushing him, almost letting the darkness set in, but fought it, trying to keep the very small sliver of hope he held in his heart. That seemed to be the only thing he held, keeping him from not giving up. He just hoped he was rescued soon.

*mount justice: a month later*

Roy sighed, walking into the medic room, hoping to see Jason working hard on finding out where Dick was, but instead, he was tilted back on a seat, a half open map resting on his face as the snores filled the room.

Roy leaned against the doorhinge, folding his arms. He cleared his throat loudly, watching Jason jump up, the map fluttered to the floor as he straightened up. "Wha- ?" Jason slurred, flustered from the nap. He flinched when the startled jump irritated his side. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, seeing Roy standing there like a disappointed parent.

"Why did you wake me up?" He asked, yawning.

"Aren't you supposed to be searching?" He inquires, walking into the room. To take a seat on one of the beds.

Jason sighed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table in front of him. He rested his chin on the balls of his right palm, deflating in his seat.

"I have tried. That place was our only lead and if you haven't noticed, Roy, it is currently a big heaping pile of rubble." Jason explained, irritation clear in his voice.

"I know this, Jason, but you need to put more brain power to work. Obviously they are still in Gotham. We have that." Roy listed. "Plus it's Deathstroke. He has a thing for abandoned buildings or some place no one would think of looking. Not to mention its January, so he would want somewhere exposed since-"

"-he's so cold hearted?" Wally interrupted, walking into the room. "That's what you were gonna say next, right?"

Roy rolled his eyes, looking behind him and at Wally, who was smirking. "Thanks for the commentary, anything else you would like to add, jokester?" Roy asks.

Wally folded his arms, walking over to Roy to lean against the bed he sat on. "I was trying to lighten the mood. You guys leak of depression." Wally explained.

Roy and Jason exchanged eye contact, but nothing was said. Wally just cleared his throat. "So, we are still looking for Dick. Got any leads?"

Roy brought his hand up and slapped it across Wall's head. "You dumbass, that is what we were discussing before you walked in. You made a joke without hearing what we were talking about? Typical."

Wally scoffed. "Excuse me. I didn't mean to upset you arrow princess."

"What kind of an insult was that?" Roy asked.

"It offended you didn't It? That was my goal." Wally said, his voice full of triumph.

While Roy and Wally continued to discuss their dumb situation, Jason looked down at the map, trying to see if what Roy had said would work. He tried to get into the mind of Deathstroke. If he were to keep Dick from running away, he would want to keep him somewhere secluded. He flattened the map, looking around on the outskirts of town. He spotted a place that seemed like a good area to keep a hidden building.

He circled it and looked deeper just in case he was wrong. After three more circles, he was confident in his find.

"Guys, I think I may know a few places Dick could be." Jason explained. "Who is up for a little road tri...." his voice faltered when he looked up to see Roy and Wally wrestling on the floor next to the bed.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Jason commented, breaking their concentation.

"What?" Roy snapped.

"How did the petty argument result in you guys wrestling? I wasn't even looking down for that long." Jason said, folding his arms.

Roy untangled himself from Wally and stood up, fixing his clothes. "Honestly, Jay, I don't even know myself."

"Were you trying to say something?" Wally asked from the floor, lying down like a starfish.

Jason just shook his head and held up the map. "I think I have a few places in mind of where Dick could be. Now stop sucking eachother dicks and let's get going."

Wally blushed a bright red, scoffing once again at Jason. "That was unnecessary." He mumbled, before getting up off the ground. "Should we go get the others?"

"No. I think just the four of is will work." Jason explained.

"Uh... I think your math is a little wrong there, Jason. We only have three people right now." Wally explained.

"He knows how to do math you dumbass, he was talking about bringing Kayla along." Roy snapped, turning away from Wally as he mumbled insults under his breath.

Jason chuckled, slapping Wally on his back making him jump in surprise. "Come on, no point in wallowing in insults." He explained before walking out of the room.

Wally mimicked them with facial expressions before strutting out of the medical room behind them.

A/N: hey guys. Long time no talk! I have been really busy with my friend, work, college and trying to get an apartment. I have been busy haha. But just giving you guys a heads up, the next chapters will be about Dick and what he is up to or going through. So be on the look out for that. I miss you guys and hope you enjoy the chapter! (I have a reason why it skipped ahead a month. Dick's chapters are going to be before the jump :)) see you guys soon!!!

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