Chapter 13

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After a day of planning, everyone was finally ready to get the mission started. They located the building, Dick was in, which was an abandoned warehouse near the edge of Gotham right before a small patch of forest. They split off into two teams.

  Team Combat: Aqualad, Roy, Connor, and M'gaan.

  Team Stealth: Kayla, Jason, Artemis and Wally.

  They were told they were going to have another addition to the combat team any minute now, who was arriving to help. Batman said they would make a great addition to the combat team. No one really questioned it. They were getting ready, and Kayla was putting on the clothes that was given to her by Canary, which was black jeans, black combat boots, a  black jacket and a beanie to cover her blonde hair. She felt weird in these, but knew it was for a good cause. To right a wrong she has done.

  "So who do you think the new person will be?" Wally asked.

  "Who knows. They just better be skilled." Roy said, folding his arms as he leaned against the wall near the window.

  "I just hope it's another girl." Artemis said from her position on the couch.

  "No way! It has to be a guy!" Wally said, eating a bag of chips he found in the cupboard.

  Batman entered the area, with a young girl by his side. She was standing close to his side, smiling at the team. The team looked her over, seeing she had medium length black hair and bright cyan colored eyes with a slender build. She wore a white single breasted shirt with a black bolo tie and a black jacket with a black skirt. She held a wand with her, almost as if she was a magician if Wally were to make the comparison.

  "Team, this is Zatanna Zatara. She is going to be your back up in this mission. Her magic will be... quite helpful." He explained.

  She waved at them. "Nice to make your acquaintance." She explained.

  "Its good to have you aboard." Kauldur said, holding out his hand to her.

  She looked at it and smiled, taking it and shaking it. "Thanks. I have heard that someone special has been kidnapped and that you guys need help saving him. It's Robin right?" She asked.

  Wally nodded. "Sharp eyes. Good to have you, Zatanna." He said, putting his hands on his hips.

  "Thank you, kid flash." She said.

  Batman stepped forward his stone face sending some shivers down the  unfortunate few that still have yet to get used to the brooding bat.

  "We set out now. Team Stealth you are going with Canary. Team Combat, you are going into the bishop and await further orders." He explained. That's when he realized two were missing. Jason and Roy.

  "Right after we find Jason and Roy I'm guessing?" Wally asked, making a face at Batman.

  Batman just walked away, following his instincts to where the two would be.

  Jason and Roy were next to the medical table yet again as Jason was patching his injury in his thigh.

  "You do know that if we find Dick, he is going to blame himself if he finds out you were injured." Roy said, folding his arms, leaning against the counter.

  Jason sighed, finishing the wrapping. "Its not like I knew this was coming. He will blame himself for many things, we just need to be there to pick up the pieces. Which is why I think it's a good thing that the kiddie league is going to be there. They need to help him and not suppress his way of thinking anymore. I believe they know how unhealthy it is now after the months away from Dick. I just hope we find him in a better condition than a worst one." Jason said, finally standing up and readying himself for the stealth mission. He lifted the bright red helmet, when Roy started laughing.

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