Chapter 4

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A/N: Alright settle down. Yes it is true that I am updating :D This chapter is dedicated to reaching 500 followers <3 you guys are awesome and make my day worth every struggle! I love you guys!!! *cries* and now for the chapter!!!

  Dicks legs were screaming at him for a break, but he didnt want to complain. They have been walking for about 3 hours, trying to put as much distance from the motorcycles and summer houses as possible.

  He could feel eyes on his back, making him tense a little bit, before he realized it was Kayla's presence. He relaxed a bit.

  "Hey Dick, can I talk to you for a second?" Kayla asked. Dick could hear her teeth chatter slightly to the snowy weather.

  Dick nodded. "What do you need, Kayla?" Dick asked, feeling her presence at his side.

  "I know its not something you want to remember, or even think about, but how did you escape Deathstroke? You know, so I have that knowledge for uh... for future references." Kayla said, basically muttering the last part.

  Dick cleared his throat. "I escaped by basically butchering the door open. I was in the freezer for punishment because I refused to kill a person, and they forgot to clear the tools. It was a miracle I got away too." Dick explained, taking a drink of his water bottle. "How did you escape if you don't mind me asking."

  Kayla nodded, before clearing her throat. "Well, I escaped by throwing hot water on the crazy Dr. Amona and finding my way out. Unfortunately I was caught by Deathstroke and was sent tok find you and bring you back, but I ended up jamming his signal and came to warn you about the tracker in your neck. After that I fell off the radar. I was living terrible conditions also." Kayla explained, putting her hair behind her ears. "Guess Slade isn't so good at keeping his "pets" so he calls us."

  Dick chuckled. "Yeah. His name used to give me such an anxiety and panic attacks, but now they just feel like a distant nightmare." Dick explained. "I was Robin when I was captured, then I turned into Renegade, Although now I am Nightwing, but for some reason, that even doesn't feel like me anymore."

  Kayla stopped walking, and Dick heard her steps falter behind, causing him to halt himself. He turned to face Kayla, wishing he could see her face and instead not run on the memories before he escaped.

  "Just because it doesn't feel like you, doesnt mean it isnt you. You chose to continue being a hero even after the captivity you faced. That is what you are. You are the Robin that was and the Nightwing you are now.  You should face that you still have the old hero façade you had when you were 13." Kayla said, walking up to Dick to grip his shoulders. "You create your own path, now chose which one you want to go down. The broken 13 year old, or the newly found 16 year old?" Kayla said.

  Dick was about to answer when he felt the presence of Jason and Roy behind them. "Sorry to interrupt the touching moment, but we still have some miles to trek before we can stop." Roy spoke up.

  Kayla rolled his eyes. "Alright sarcastic ass." She said before giving Dick a hug and marching forward, teasing Roy.

  Jason stayed behind, letting Roy and Kayla get a little further ahead before Dick and Jason started walking together.

  "You good?" Jason asked.

  Dick thought on that for a moment. After the talk he had with Kayla he felt he was starting to pick up his pieces that broke him in the first place. He started feeling whole again and that was such a great Milestone for him to hit. He felt he was ready for the world and for whatever it threw at him.

  Smiling, he nodded. "Yeah, I think im good." He said.

  Jason nodded slapping Dick's arm. "Good." He said before they marched on, Dick feeling a sensation he hasn't felt in quite some time.

  They walked on for another few hours, all of them exchanging some stories to pass the time before they came to a small town that was a few miles away from Happy Harbor, which made Dick physically let out a sigh that could be heard from the group.

"Why the sigh, Dick?" Roy asked.

  Dick shrugged. "I don't know, maybe because I feel like I am starting a new and getting away from my painful past." Dick explained.

  Jason nodded. "Sounds like a good reason to sigh in relief." Jason said, smiling.

  Kayla cleared her throat and pointed at a motel room. "Wanna rest for a bit? I can tell we are all tired." She said.

  Roy shrugged, already walking towards the motel. "We are away from mount justice, might as well sleep in a reasonable bed since we slept by a dumpster last night."

  "Point taken. I call shower first." Jason said.

  "what? No! I am a girl, I deserve first shower!" Kayla argued, glaring at Jason.

  Jason rolled his eyes. "I was gonna get you your own room so you dont have to be in a room full of guys, Kayla."

  She opened her mouth to speak but just shut it and nodding. Without another word she walked to the Motel room.

  With that, they followed into the Motel, payed for two bedrooms, before splitting into the separate rooms that were right next to each other. Jason immediately jumped into the shower and Roy started grabbing fresh clothes. Dick plopped on the bigger mattress in the room and tossed off his shoes before going under the sheets. He set his injured hand on a pillow next to him before completely passing out from the adventures from today.

  Dick was almost excited that he was able to go to sleep, but he didn't realize what was in store for the night.


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