Epilogue #1: (non-birdflash)

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*10 years later*
(Obviously my own way of how they look 10 yrs from now.)

  A grunt was heard next to him, causing him to roll his eyes for the fifth time. Dick turned toward the presence, a glare on his face.

  "Can you stop that!" He whisper- yelled.

  Wally sucked in his lips, looking over his shoulder at the others who were in position. Jason sent him a smirk before pointing at the door.

  "Kayla do you have eyes on any of the soldiers?" Wally asked.

  "Most of them are guarding the rear of the building. You should be able to get in without much fuss." She says over the comms.

  "You guys ready?" Roy asked, grabbing for his bow. Wally smirked, turning off his stealth mode to reveal his newly orange and red suit that was just barely developed.

  "You know it." Wally says.

  Dick nodded, grabbing his escrimas and readying themselves. Jason gave the go and they rushed forward making their way to the door. Dick followed the sound of the footsteps, making as little noise as he could. He pressed himself against the door next to Jason as the door slowly opened.

  It was eerily quiet in the room, causing Wally to chuckle. "Doesn't seem like anyone's home."

  As soon as he said that, they heard footsteps coming towards the open door, causing Dick to sigh. "You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?!" He snapped.

  Wally shrugged. "Sorry. Not in my nature!"

  In minutes they were locked in battle. Dick was holding his own, using all his senses to keep on his toes. Wally was being Wally, while Jason and Roy tagged team their enemies. They were holding it down rather well.

  "Team Red, Cold Starling is making his way to you!" Kayla explained.

  "Why is he on the field now?! We don't need help!" Roy snapped, shooting an arrow at one of the soldiers.

  "Oh shut it, Roy! Be nice to him. He wants to help." Kayla snapped.

  Jason finished with the last man, stumbling back slightly, looking around the area. "As much as we appreciate his enthusiasm, we are all clear here. We just need to extract the substance than we are heading back." Jason explained.

  They heard Kayla scoff on the other end. "Just because my brother is still in training doesn't mean you guys can just toss him aside. You all had to start from somewhere now let him."

  Just as she finished, Kyle came waltzing out of the forest in his black and red jeans, a red jacket and one of Dick's old masks over his eye. His wild hair was slicked back in a headband as he gripped his utility belt.

  "Heyo!" Starling said, waving an awkward hand.

  Dick could only feel his presence, but his aura reeked of nervousness and Anxiety. Dick smirked, putting his escrimas away as he walked over to Kyle, throwing a hand over the boys shoulders. "Come on guys. He's just training. Perk up." Dick spoke.

  Wally groaned. "Can we just get the specimen so we can leave?" He asked.

  Roy scratched the back of his head, pointing towards the entrance. "Im just gonna go get it. You guys can just stay up here and hold hands with the kid." He explained before walking into the facility.

  "Hey! I'm 19! I'm almost 20!" Kyle shouted, folding his arms.

  Wally smirked. "Exactly. Your a kid here."

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