the new book is up!

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Since this one is coming to an end (literally a couple more chapters) I have decided to waste no time in posting my new one!

  It is called Betrayal.

  If you liked this one I know you will like this one.

While on a mission like the old times, the dynamic duo decide to crash a court of owls meeting. What they didn't know was that them being there was a part of the plan.

  They wanted to use their newly built machine to take control of Dick but instead they get Bruce. The machine made Bruce turn on Robin and injure him both physically and emotionally.

  What they didn't know was the machine had other plans. Bruce is fueled with hatred and rage towards one person. Dick Grayson. Can they restore him before Dick ends up paying the price? What was the exact goal The Court of Owls and Talon had in mind? Why target Dick grayson? Can the young justice keep Dick hidden from Bruce's hate filled rage?

Hope you guys enjoy It! This one will be updated tomorrow!

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