Chapter 9

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Staring at the rock of doom, Jay and Roy stepped out of the car, the mountain standing as tall as it could, giving them both an unwanted chill that ran down their backs. They both shared a look before sucking in a breath and walking through a zeta beam right outside of the mountain.

  When they heard the familiar announcement say their names, they both felt like outsiders stepping into the room. No one was there, which they didn't know if it was good or bad.

  They walked into the room and turned the corner, stepping out into the commons area. They saw the young Justice and Justice league talking, which was a good thing to happen because then they could just tell them. Jason sighed, seeing Batman was the one talking.

  "Well at least we are all in the same room." Jason said aloud, finally making their presence known. Everyone, immediately jumped up and instantly looked behind Roy and Jason, hoping to see a silent Dick Grayson, but was out of luck.

  "Finally decided to stop running?" Batman asked, walking away from the group.

  "Actually we have a problem." Jason said.

  "Wheres Dick?" Wally said, wanting the answer instead of the catch up.

  Jason just glared at him before turning back to Batman. "We have a problem. It involves Dick. I need you all to sit down. We need to talk like civilized people." He walked over to the group, ignoring the suspicious eye Bruce gave him. "That means you Mr. Broody." Jason said before standing in front of both of the groups.

  They slowly sat down, except the justice league, which contained Batman, Arrow, Flash and Canary, who stood up behind the Young Justice.

  Jason finally felt like everyone was civil and cleared his throat. "You all know why we left, correct?" Jason asked.

  "Yes, now get to it." Wally said, practically sitting on the edge of the couch.

  "Wally, shut up." Roy glared, before looking at Jason to continue.

  Jason nodded. "Well when we were shopping for some necessities at a walmart, we ran into one of Dick's old cell mates. Her name was Kayla Haze." He said.

  "Yes we got that much when we chased you from the summer house." Artemis said.

  "Well she stayed with us, but it turned out to bite us in the ass." Roy said, brooding in the corner.

  Jason decided to elaborate on that and sighed. "Turns out she was working for Deathstroke and now he has him. As simple as that." Jason said.

The room was silent, everyone was processing exactly what he had said, before the room erupted into conversation and yelling. Wally and Artemis were arguing with Jason  while everyone else was arguing with Roy or eachother.

  After a moment of this chaos, Batman finally stepped in. "Enough!" He said, in a very loud yet still brooding voice and manner.

  Everyone piped down and got back in their spots. Jason on the other hand was glaring at a spot in the floor, watching an ant walk by in his veiw.

  Batman walked over to Jason and put his hand on his shoulder. "How did it happen exactly?" He asked.

  "Well we were packing and getting ready to leave the motel, when we decided to eat at a diner right next to it. So we did and everything was pretty much the same. Kayla and Roy were arguing, but the only difference was Kayla wasnt eating." Jason was cut off.

  "And Kayla always eats." Roy shot in.

  Jason just rolled his eyes. "But then they wanted to talk to each other alone because Kayla had something important to tell him. So We allowed them and thats when about fifteen minutes passed and we looked outside to see Deathstroke stepping on Dicks back. When we ran out, he knocked Dick out and then took us by surprise. He got away, but Kayla said soemthing that got me thinking maybe she was blackmailed. She said she didnt have a choice." Jason said.

  "That could mean anything. It sounds to me like she was a traitor." Wally shouted. "And you let her get away."

  Jason shook Bruce's hand off. "I dont need you to tell me I made a mistake. I know I did." He said.

  Jason made an attempt to walk away towards the debreifing room, when his thigh gave up on him, causing him to fall to his injured knee. He just grunted.

  "You forgot didnt you?" Roy asked, helping him up when everyone else just stared in pissed confusion.

  Jason nodded. "Yup." He said, slowly standing up and limping towards the med bay, instead.

  "What happened?" M'gaan asked, watching as Jason disappeared into the hall.

  "We tried fighting Deathstroke and ended up taking us by surprise. He threw us down and Jason ended up having one of my scattered arrows lodged into his thigh. Its nothing major. He just needs to go remove it and he will be top notch." Roy said. "Im gonna go see if he needs any... uh... help. We will talk about a plan once Jason gets the arrow out."

  He said, not waiting for a reply before disappearing almost as fast as he spoke.

  Wally and the others stood in silence before Kauldur finally said something. "We lost him again. What should we do now, Batman?" He asked.

  "We arent gonna do anything just yet until Jason and Roy join us. Til then, sit tight." He said before disappearing the same way Jason and Roy did.

  Wally threw his hands up in the air. "Thats helps the situation!" He shouted.

  "Just wait to see what they say, until then, just stay quiet." Canary said. "Everything will be ready to find Dick."

  "I hope." Artemis says, before everyone decided to disperse to different areas in the Mountain, all of them with the same thought on their minds.

  Will they find Dick? And if they do, will they find him whole?

  A/N: Hey guys look! Im not dead! :D sorry about the very long hiatus! It was hectic there for a while but now it isnt, so there will be a lot more frequent updates! I miss you little Batlings!! :3 Let me know how you like my new chapter!



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