Chapter 26

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Despite the situation, Jason tried to get Dick's mind off of each cut he already made, by talking to him. Wally chimed in as well, trying to help him.

"Don't worry, Dick. They should be here soon." Wally assured, watching as the blood dripped to the floor.

"We can't tell you how we know that, but just know it is soon." Jason explained, watching as Dick just nodded stiffly. Jason cursed under his breath, angry at himself.

Dick could feel his anger, and despite being in this situation, he couldn't help but be worried about Jason. "Why... are you so angry?" Dick asked, his voice cracked.

"I am angry at myself." He admitted. "I was trying to keep you away from pain and help you return back to your old self. But I failed."

"We failed." Wally chimed in. "We should have been there all those months ago to protect you. We should have never let you guys go alone." Wally said behind closed teeth, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the bars.

"It's okay... it wasn't our fault. Kayla had no choice.." Dick said.

"We know her situation, Dick. Doesn't mean we forgave her. We may have accepted her, but not forgave her." Wally added. "But she's helping, so maybe it's in the future."

Dick felt an overwhelming sensation of safety, for some reason, he felt like he had a cocoon all around him. He couldn't explain why he suddenly got that feeling but it made him relax a little, something he really hasn't done since he got recaptured.

"M'gaan?" Wally said, quickly shoving his hand to his head.

Finally! We are zeroing in on your location. Sorry it took longer than expected guys. Jason heard and immediate relief filled his chest.

"Right on time guys." Jason breathed.

"There... here?" Dick asked, trying to resist the urge to cut. It was getting close to it again, but he tried to hold it in. "How close? Who is 'guys?'"

Jason couldn't help but chuckle at just how joyful Dick sounded, but at the same time, he felt bad. Dick looked desperate to get out of there. That's when it happened.

There was a loud explosion at the door, causing Dick to be knocked back, making him glide across the floor and hit the cylinder canister in the corner. He groaned.

"Sorry for the abrupt intrusion but we don't have time." Zatanna said, walking in with Connor and Artemis.

"Artemis! Is Dick okay?" Jason asked.

Artemis looked around and spotted Dick across the room, holding his head in his hands. She rushed towards him and couldn't help but let a small grin appear on her face. "Are you okay, Dick?"

Dick groaned. "Minus the church bells ringing in my ears and the fact I just got blown to Uganda, I'm fine."

Wally couldn't help but chuckle from across the room. "Did you just use sarcasm and a joke?" Wally asked.

Dick froze not realizing he did. That brought him back to before he got captured. The old Dick Grayson. It was weird to think about but it was a good thing to remember.

Jason jogged over to him and knelt next to him, grabbing Dick's uninjured arm and slinging it over his shoulders. "On the count of three, stand with me."

Dick nodded, and took a deep breath, following the orders. Once three was said he was standing, but couldn't help but lean somewhat on Jason for some support. Jason didn't seem to mind it.

"Did you guys bring the bio ship?" Wally asked, appearing at Jason's side.

"We did, but it is a ways to the meet point. Come on, unless you intend on staying here." Zatanna said.

Everyone sprang into action. Dick and Jason, even though they weren't fast, were still not left behind. The others Caccooned them in a jagged circle, making sure they would not lose Dick again.

The thing that struck Dick as odd, was that he felt no one chasing them. Not even Deathstrokes presence and that was not a comforting feeling.

He heard a door open and felt cold pressure hit his face. He couldn't help but let a sigh out. His blurry eye was able to catch the moon's light and even though it didn't look as pretty as he remembered, it was the light that made him almost tear up. He just couldn't believe he had, although  slightly, working eye.

  "Come on, it's about a 3 miles to walk. After that we are going to the happy harbor where all of you will stay until Deathstroke is caught. No complaining." Artemis snapped, glaring at mainly Jason and Wally, who both nodded in agreement.

  "Trust me, we wont complain." Wally said.

  They walked the rest of the way in silence, Dick was slowly leaning off Jason until he was walking by himself. Dick couldn't help but think back at the old days of missions and this one felt like one of those. The whole gang doing a rescue mission, only it was for him and not someone else.

  "You doing okay?" Wally asked, getting Dick's attention.

  He nodded. "Yeah... just... Just thinking." Dick mumbled.

  "About?" Artemis was the one to speak this time.

  "The older days of 4 years ago. The 13 year old me. The one who didn't have a care in the world except for just going on missions. This reminded me of the 4 years of shit I went through and will continue to live with it forever. I will never be that same Robin." Dick finished, wrapping the uninjured arm around his torso as he gripped the other arm.

  "Dick, it's okay. You went through some horrible things. Things we could never imagine. The only one who knows what you went through was me." Jason explained. Catching Dick's ear.


  Jason sighed."Bats and I found some tapes that contained what you went through. I didn't make it through all of it, but Bats did. We didn't tell you because at the time you were emotionally unstable. More than you are now."

  "Those tapes... what exactly were on them?" Dick asked, feeling himself grow pale. They were too immersed in the conversation to realize they had stopped walking.

  "Nothing good. Maybe when you are older than 17 we will show you. But for now, you don't need to worry." Jason said.

  Dick was about to speak when he felt the familiar presence of M'gaan. They were close to the bio ship and Dick couldn't help but sigh of relief.

  It was quickly taken away.

   A/N:  I am aware.... it's been a LOOOOOONG time since A chapter has come out ;^; I am so sorry my bats!!! It's been soooo busy!!! But I have some good news! This book, although sadly, is coming to an end. The final showdown will be happening in the next few chapters. So keep them eyes opened for more updates. Mery Christmas eve. Also we reached 910 followers!!! What should we do???
I love you guys so much! See you in the next chapter!

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