Chapter 30

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When they entered the mountain, Deathstroke was instantly thrown into a well guarded prison. Cheshire and Sportsmaster managed to get away, but that was only because they had to cut the search short when they realized just what had happened.

Dick was barely clinging to life the whole ride there. His breathing was laborious and sounded as if he was being choked. But when they made it back, the whole of justice league was there and Batman was frozen to his spot. He didn't know how he felt at that moment when Dick was being carried by Jason. Jason on the other hand didn't spend any time with the Gawkers and brought him to the medical wing, Canary close behind him as she shot out orders.

The sword that was sticking out of Dick's side only made her anxious as she rushed over to Dick. The others attended to any injuries they had, but they couldn't help but look over at what was happening to Dick.

Dick was barely breathing, the oxygen mask he was hooked too was the only thing really keeping him alive. Canary attended to his wounds but the sword in his side was proving rather difficult. If she pulled it out, he could bleed to death, if she didn't he could die from his injures. At this point it was a coin toss.

Jason came over and looked down at him. His face was bruised and they popped against his pale skin. He looked at Canary with hopeful eyes.

"I can help you with this, Canary. If you want me to pull it out so you can quickly repair it, I would be more than happy too." Jason said.

Canary exchanged a look with him before smiling and nodding her head. "Thank you. Let me grab the ab pads first." She said before walking over to the drawer and grabbing a few of them. When she walked back over she cut Dick's shirt to expose the injury. She readied her equipment before giving Jason the okay.

Jason gulped and put to hands on the sword and with one yank, pulled it right out of Dick's side. Blood streamed down instantly making canary shove the pad down on his side. She put so much pressure on it, Dick stirred where he sat at the uncomfortable amount of pressure in his side.

The team just sat and watched as she stitched any muscles and skin back together. To her luck which surprised her, the sword didn't hit any vital or non vital organs.

When she was done, Dick was bandaged from head to toe. But for the first time in a while, Dick looked peaceful.


It's been a week since the incident and Dick had yet to make any indication to waking up or improving. He was in the same position, his breathing was still labored and choppy not giving them much hope.

Jason never really left his side, same with Roy and Wally. The others were trying to deal with other things, but these three never left his side. Jason sighed, leaning against the door jam, glaring at the ceiling.

"I though Dick healed fast. This doesn't look fast." Wally complained from the other bed where he upside down.

Roy shrugged. "Maybe this was too serious." He explained, standing up from the cushioned bench. He walked over to the wall and leaned up against it with his eyes glancing over at the bed. Dick was still pale with a flush of pink on his cheeks. His chest was rising and falling unevenly. He looked so small in that bed and it reminded him of when Jason was in that same bed battling death by pole. It made his stomach turn.

"So what did they end up doing with Deathstroke?" Wally asked, shooting a questioning glance over at Jason.

"He was taken to Arkham. Bats had to restrain himself from beating the shit out of that son of a..." Jason tsked, looking away from Wally.

"Hasn't he escaped before? What's to say he won't escape again?" Wally asked, sitting up in the bed.

"He wont. Bats made sure of that." Roy said.

There was silence in the room now as they all thought about the possibilities of how Deathstroke could be a threat to them again, but they just hoped it would stay peaceful like this for a while.

Dick was floating on something cold. His eyes slowly opened and he was able to see the cloudy sky above him. He groaned, slowly sitting up and looking around to see he was in a lake and the other side held someone with their back to him. He gulped and slowly stood up.

"Hello?" He asked. His voice echoed, causing him to look around.

The figure stiffened, before turning around to face him. It was... Dick. But a younger version of him. Dick gulped and took a few steps towards him, but was stopped when he stopped him.

"Stop. You are not ready." He said.

Dick furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Dick asked.

The figure smiled. "You beat him you know. All this suffering and you won. Not him."

Dick chuckled. "I won? I'm dead. I may have killed him but he won his little game... And I couldn't do anything to stop it." Dick glanced down at his scared up wrist, though he wasn't even sure if this was how his scars even looked.

"You did everything to stop it. Just know you won. You have a second chance to Change the outlook of your life. You can continue to be a hero. Or you can retire and live your life as a normal as possible person. What you decide is up to you. I'm no longer what you need to hold onto. You are your own person." The young Richard Grayson stood up before turning their backs on him. Dick watched as his young self disappeared before closing his eyes, a smile on his face. He was ready to continue living and this time he was going to be different.

Dick slowly opened his eyes, but this time he couldn't see anything. No blurry objects, no blobs, just reflective lights. He was back to fully blind, but he was okay with that.

He felt three presences around him. He tried to shift, but his side flared with pain and he hissed loudly. He heard footsteps rush to his hospital bed.

"Your awake!" Wally shouted. Welcome back!"

A/N: wow! Down to two more chapters ;^; this book series has been with me for nearly 3 and a half years and it's now coming to an end. Im... I'm not ready *cries forever* also sorry for the delays. It's been a rough couple of weeks at the Cinemark because of fucking Endgame! Literally working 10hrs a day because of it and I have been dealing with sold out showings. It's insane! Pluse i havent been in a good mood because of the disappointment of Game of thrones this season.... Anyways hope you guys like this chapter.

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