Chapter 24

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A/N: Here's an update! Also have you guys seen the titans trailer? Because I have and I must say.... I FUCKING HATE IT! LIKE MY STORY IS UNDERSTANDABLE WHY DICK WOULD USE GUNS(even though he only used it once in here) BUT HE WAS MURDERING PEOPLE IN THAT TRAILER, SAYING FUCK BATMAN WHEN HE WOULD NEVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT IT WAS JUST THE MOST DISAPPOINTING THING I HAVE SEEN... But the young justice one made up for it.

  Wally yawned, slouching his shoulders where he stood. He didn't get much sleep last night, since he was up and staring at the ceiling most of the night, worrying like crazy about Dick.

  He was waiting for everyone else to get up and meet in the kitchen of the mountain. The whole time he waited, he couldn't help but come up with the worst scenarios of what they would stumble into when they finally find him.

  "Seeing you up first is a new sight." Jason's voice carried, snapping Wally out of his own mind.

  "I couldn't sleep. Can't help but think about him, you know?" He explained.

  "I understand." He explained.

  The silence grew thick as Jason started drinking a bottle of vodka he stashed in the back of one of the cupboards. After a few sips, Wally decided to break the silence.

  "I just have to ask, what made you care so much about Dick?" Wally asked.

  Jason paused in the middle of a sip, slowly lowering the bottle. "Well when Bats called me, I was in a tough situation anyways, so I decided to help him. I owed him after all. But when I arrived, I was stashed on babysitting duty and at first I hated it." He paused, an echo of the bottle hitting the counter as he placed it down so he could lean back and fold his arms. "But as I started learning more about him, I saw some of myself in him. He was broken, which I knew that feeling all too well. So I felt my protective gene in me activate and it just lead to this. I feel like-"

  "-a big brother to him?" Wally interrupted.

  Jason smirked. "Yeah. Guess that could be what it is described as."

  The silence fell deafening again as the two of them sat there, trying to come up with something else to talk about. Before the silence turned awkward, they were saved by the rest of the team walking into the kitchen, all of them but Wally was in gear and ready to start.

  "It's early, if we start now we can get a lot of searching done today." Aqualad explained.

  Jason nodded. "Understood. We will split in teams of two. Since we will be in the same area, m'gaan can set up a mind link. Pick your partners, mission starts in 15." Jason explained before exiting the room. The others were left deciding partners.

*In Gotham. 2 hours later*

  Currently the partners were: Artemis and Wally, Jason and Roy, Conner and M'gaan, Aqualad and Zatanna, and last but not least Kayla and Wolf. They were currently trying to search undercover as to not raise any suspicion in the town of Gotham. As of now, they were having zero luck.

  Any updates? Kayla asked, currently resting on a roof.

  None on our end. Says Artemis.

  Using my magic to help speed this along but we are having little luck on our end as well. Zatanna explains.

  No luck here. Came M'gaan, who sounded a little bit depressed.

  Hey guys! I think we zeroed in on a spot that he could potentially be! I will send coordinates to all of the watches. Came Jason's reply.

Everyone's hope was restored as they all made their way to Jason and Roy.

  *With Dick*

  Dick was tired, he stressed his muscles but he was confused as to why he was so exhausted. Usually under the strain of the simulation he was so full of energy, this time, though it seemed to do the opposite.

  Because of this, he was starting to doubt that he was currently in one. He felt down his arm, feeling the indents of the remaining scars from his lowest points. He gulped, holding his arm close. That gave him a sense of calming and confirmed that he wasn't in a simulation. Usually when he was under one, he would have smooth skin, feeling the scars made him understand, which meant he was alone, in a gym in real life.

  He could escape.

  He could go back to them, back to when he was starting to be happy. He needed to escape.

  He slowly stood up and started to feel his way down the ladder from the trapeze. Once he felt the floor he made his way to the wall, his fingers grazing the bumpy surface of the gym. The wall felt almost like frozen cottage cheese under his fingertips as he started gliding his way towards some sort of exit.

  He wasn't in a simulation. He couldn't be. His skin wasn't flawless, and  he hasn't been put through a test yet. No matter what simulation he would have been in, a test of something would have been placed in front of him.

  He kept gliding along until he felt a dip in the wall and suddenly his fingers were touching metal. He smirked, searching for the exit bar.

  After pushing it in, he heard the satisfying pop of the door as it gave way and creaked open. He was hit with cold air in the face and he felt alive.

  He pushed open the door and before it even fully opened, Dick was out of the gym, ignoring the cols nipping at his exposed skin. He was just happy to be back in reality with a cleared head.

  His moment of happiness was put to a Hault when he felt a familiar presence next to him. His heart dropping into his stomach as his face fell.

  "Back to reality, I see. That took longer than expected." Deathstroke explained. "When you asked what simulation you were in, I decided to put you to a test. A loyalty test and you broke it. You came back to reality and your first thought was to escape." He heard footsteps crunching snow, getting closer to him. "Honestly, renegade, that hurts." He heard the footsteps stop right next to him, feeling the heat from Deathstroke pour off and hit his exposed skin. He gulped.

  He felt a hand snake up his hair and grip it. His head was shoved back, causing a small grunted scream to escape his mouth. "Guess a lesson is to be learned here." He explains.

  Before Dick could brace himself, he was knocked out of breath, his stomach feeling like someone just threw a sack of potatoes at it. He dropped to his knees, holding his stomach close as he wheezes in pain. Before he could even recover he was flat on the ground, a boot on his back, putting pressure on his spine.

  "Disobedient. How unfortunate." He chuckled, kicking Dick in hard in the stomach, a sickening crack echoed through the back of the building.

  Dick couldn't scream, instead he was coughing up blood, his body was on fire. A hand gripped his hair and lifted his head. "You will obey me. You cracked, it's only a matter of time before you will listen to my every command. The serum is spreading. Give it a month or two, you will have no will to disobey or think about escaping." He explained. "You will be consumed by the darkness." He kicked Dick in the face, knocking him out. The last thing he heard was a cackle and his name echoing in the distance.


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