Chapter 14

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Water droplets, hitting the stone floor was all that he had as a form of entertainment. Sometimes the rattling of his chains against his wrists and ankles would give him the noise filler he needed, but he was loosing his mind, trying to figure a way out of this tiny cell. He has already mapped it out when he was chain free, and he can conclude it was the exact size of a handicap stall in a public restroom.

  The droplet fell and made contact with the small puddle it formed. "1,236." He whispered, still counting the number of droplets since he was last interrupted by one of the scientists or Deathstroke himself. He lost track of time, and since he couldn't see if their was a window or not, the only way he knew whether it was night or day was the foot prints outside his door. If there were two sets, it was nighttime, and if there was one, it was daytime. Security seemed to be doubled at night, but in the day it was much more laxed.

  "1,241." He said, just when the boots passed by. He listened carefully, hearing a set of two. He bit his lips when he heard them stop right next to his door.

  The beeps of a code could be heard, before the lock clicked and the door squeaked opened. The people sounded bored by the way their boots slid lazily across the paved floor.

  "Be careful. This used to be the batman's protege. Deathstroke said to be cautious around him." A scruffy voice said, but Dick didn't acknowledge them, keeping his head dangled downwards.

  "Really? This pathetic thing?" A new voice, Dick hadn't heard before in the halls, said.

  "Your a newbie, of course you think he is pathetic, but he outsmarted Deathstroke once." Scruffy said.

  "Woah, Really? This little kid?" The voice asked, almost shocked at what he heard. Dick smirked.

  "Yes, now come on, he is the last one to load on the truck." Scruffy explained, messing with some keys.

  The cell door squeaked opened and he heard the footsteps get closer. When he felt his arms being jerked and pulled as well as his ankles, that was when he decided to strike. He brought his elbow up, hitting something solid. He heard a pained grunt and a loud thud on the floor next to him.

  "Damn! My nuts!" Scruffy shouted.

  "Boss!" The other one said. Dick rammed his other elbow into something, hitting something hard, but heard the other one stumble to the floor. Dick stood up and ran forward, feeling for the cage door. When he got a hold of it, he slammed it shut before feeling for the key. He turned it and took them out, stumbling back.

  A loud clash was heard on the other side of the cage. "You will pay for this you pathetic piece of shit!" Shouted the scruffy voice.

  Dick spun the keys in his hands, before sticking his tongue out at them. "A pathetic piece of shit just outsmarted two mercenary pricks. I think you need more training if you can't even handle a blind child." Dick said before throwing the keys behind him. "Better luck next time." He bolted out the door, ignoring the shouts of rage from the former mercenaries in the other room.

  He listened for something other than the screams of anger. He finally heard more footsteps to the left of him, so he turned and ran right, making his way out of this place.

  He continued, until he tripped over some concrete. He stumbled forward, catching himself on the other concrete steps. "Stairs? Of course it's stairs. What else would stop me from escaping?" Dick said aloud, before starting his ascend up the cold stone.

  That's when he heard it again, the angry voice behind him, echoing down the corridor. He gulped, running up them faster, tripping and stumbling all the way up the stairs.

  "There he is! Get him!" The scruffy voice said, still struggling to come out strong.

  Dick felt the end of the last step and kicked his ass into gear. He pushed himself harder running as fast as his chained feet could go. He took a sharp turn and ran into a wall.

  "Dammit I was sure there was an exit here. I have been through this one to many times!" Dick shouted. He felt the wall and his hand glided over a door handle. He sighed of relief and opened it, running in before closing it behind him, sinking to the floor.

  He heard the footsteps run right past the door and Dick let out a small sigh, followed by a chuckle.

  But his win was cut short when he heard someone sit up from a rolling chair. The presence was one he knew well.

  "Seems you pose more trouble than you are worth." The deep voice said, resonating through the floor.

  Dick froze where he sat, his body starting to shake. He felt hands clasp his medical gown, bringing him up to the door and slamming him into the metal. Dick flinched, shrinking back from the presence.

  They stayed like that for a moment before Dick's gown was released, making his legs jelly as he fell to his knees. He felt like he could finally breathe.

  "Its good your combat skills havent deteriorated after going through this so many times. You seemed to take those idiots down rather fast this time." Deathstroke said, going back to his desk.

  Dick shook his head, snapping out of his shock. "Wait... this is another test?" Dick asked.

  "It is. And you seemed to pass. You took them down faster. The next one won't be as easy." Deathstroke said.

  Dick bit the inside of his cheek, folding his arms in a pouty manner. "At least give me a heads up when you are about to test me. It's not nice to spring those on people, you know." He said.

  Deathstroke chuckled. "Have you forgotten, just where you are, renegade?" He asked.

  Dick glanced up, but was met with a cynical laugh filling his thoughts. He thought back at why he was acting like one of Deathstroke's children.

  Everything shattered at that moment. He shook with fear again, grabbing his head. "Your playing with my mind again! What kind of test was this one?!" Dick screamed, taking off the simulator that connected to his mind.

  "It was an endurance test, as well as a clouding reality. So far, you are getting closer to the stage I need you in." Deathstroke turned to the guards. "Take him back to his room." He turned back to Dick. "The next time it will be a much more... difficult test. An obedience test. I expect you to pass it faster than this one. It took you five tries to get this one done." He said, before Dick felt himself being lifted up from the metal table.

  Dick cursed to himself, pissed that he fell for the stupid mind tests again and at how many tries it took him. This one, after the first two attempts were much more harder to determine if he was in reality or not, and that thought, scared Dick beyond anything.

  A/N: it's time to get back to see what Dick has been up to... and we find out that Deathstroke is playing mind games with him. What a meanie >~< anyway! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also thanks for all the birthday wishes :3


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