Chapter 6

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Seated in the corner of the diner, the silence fell on all four of them as  they read through the menu. Dick, instead of having someone else read it to him, just decided on pancakes and toast.

   "Dick would you like me to read you the options?" Jason asked.

  "Nah, just pancakes and Toast will do." Dick replied, feeling for his water to take a drink.

  Kayla cleared her throat and dropped her menu, not in the mood to eat. The waitress came up and smiled happily.

  "What can I get you guys?" She asked.

  "I would like your chicken fried steak skillet and he would like pancakes and toast." Jason said, already starting to stack the menus up.

  "Alright, and you two?"

  "I would like the same thing as him. The skillet I mean." Roy said, stacking his menu on top of theirs.

  Kayla just gulped, her guilty conscious earing her alive. She cleared her throat and closed her menu, stacking it on top of theirs. "I would like just toast and a coffee please."

  "Okay, coming right up!" She said before grabbing for the menus and disappearing into the back.

  Kayla turned to take a drink of her water and caught all of them staring at her. She shrugged. "What?"

  "Just toast? Are you feeling okay?" Roy asked.

  Kayla nodded. "Im not feeling to good." She paused, seeing that they werent buying it. She grabbed her lower gut and smirked. "Its girl issues, would you like me to go in detail for you?" She asked.

  Roy made a disgusted grunt before shaking his head vigorously. "Please don't. We get what you mean. No explaining necessary." He said.

  "Thats what I thought." Kayla murmured before sitting back in triumph. They were all silent until the food finally came out.

  Roy and Jason wasted no time and dug into the food instantly. Dick just casually ate his in silence while Kayla stared at hers, not really sure if she wanted to eat or not.

  "Oh, hey guys, Kayla and I are gonna go for a walk after breakfast by ourselves. She has something important she wants to tell me. Is that okay?" Dick asked, shoving a forkfull of pancakes in his mouth.

  Jason and Roy looked at eachother before shrugging. "As long as you guys don't wander to far and you run the other way when you see danger." Jason explained, shoving a big bite into his mouth.

  They were silent for the rest of breakfast, the other thing that could be heard was loud chewing and forks scraping against plates. After they were finished, Dick turned his head to Kayla.

  "Shall we go?" He asked.

  Kayla nodded. "I need to go to the bathroom. I will be right back and then we can go." She explained before scooting out of her bench and rapidly walking to the bathroom.

  Once in  she locked the public door and leaned against it, her heart pounding against her chest, making the blood in her ear rush faster. She wanted to scream and break something but her mind had other ways of dealing with the uncontrollable guilt welling up in the pit of her stomach.

  She collapsed on the floor, her knees up to her chest as a few tears fell from her face. She shakily reached her hand into her pocket and grabbed the earpiece, putting it in her ear. She pressed the button.

  A few beeps went off before they stopped and she was greeted with a deep-throated hello.

  "I... we are leaving the cafe now... away from Roy and Jason." She spoke, desperately trying to keep her voice leveled.

To Mend the Broken[Sequel/FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now