Chapter 22

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*Simulation 70*

When Dick came too on the other side of the door, everything was happening so fast. He was standing in the middle of the empty street, only one eye was able to see. He looked up and saw Roy, Kayla, Wally and Jason standing in the middle of the road, all with a look of sorrow and anger on their faces.

"Dick, it's us. It's okay. You don't have to do this." Jason soothed.

Dick didn't understand what he meant until he saw the gun in his hand. He can't drop the gun nor try to talk himself out of it. He was locked in his own mind, only able to see through a semi blurry eye.

"He is lost. Can't you see that by the look in his eye." Deathstroke smirked. "He is mine now. You failed to save him almost 5 years ago and you failed to save him now." Deathstroke explained.

"Dick don't do this." Jason begged. "You are stronger than this. Break free."

"He won't shoot any of us! Deep down, he is still Dick!" Wally shouted.

Deathstroke's grin grew. "We will see." He bent down, getting extremely close to Dick's ear. "Shoot Jason, that is an order."

Dick's panic jumped to an all time high as he tried to fight for control of the gun, but the deafening blast, made him freeze. Everything slowed to a crawl as he watched Jason slowly fall to the ground. He screamed trying to escape, but he couldn't move. All he could do was watch Jason writhe on the floor. Roy jumped to his side, before the deafening blast was heard again.

Jason stopped completely.

Dick screamed, pounding on the inside of his head, trying to get free to help Jason. To make sure Jason was still alive, but all he could do was watch as the blood pooled out of him and onto the paved streets. He felt himself completely breaking down, as he gazed at the screaming faces of his friends. The gun lowered, but the body was completely unfazed by the death it had just caused.

"Jason!" Dick screamed, but it only echoed through his mind. He started crying and shouting, trying anything that would get him to move. But all he could do was watch. "No... This one can't be happening. I refuse." Dick chocked out, not realizing he was on the floor with his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth. He felt truly broken at this thought. Seeing this, he got the urge to harm himself. Do anything that would prevent him from thinking this was real. He looked down at his nails and saw how long they were. Without hesitating he jammed them deep into his forearm, groaning when it actually hurt him.

The scene before him started to melt away, the only thing left to see was the blood pooling around the one person he couldn't live without right now.

He was back in the room of doors. He swallowed thickly, looking at the door he just came from. "Outcome percentage 94%" Dick's simulation cracked like a mirror around him. That percentage rate broke him. The place crumbled around him as he sunk to his feet. He was going to kill Jason. And he had no control over it.

His heart pounded loudly in his chest, almost burning when it did. He grabbed hold on his chest, trying to stop the hard pounding. He felt his mind start to fuzz over as his veins and body started to burn. His whole body felt like he was chugging razors and lava at the same time.

Now look at that. You are beginning to break. Did that last simulation break you? Deathstroke asked.

Dick froze. All this pain he was feeling was the result of him letting his guard down. The serum was taking over. It was ready to lock him away in his mind.

"I... I will find a way out of this lock you put me in." Dick spoke, fire in his words.

We will see. It may have been a few hours for you, but in the real world, it was almost a month. This simulation I was not messing around, and it seemed to have paid off. Time to wake.

Dick groaned, his eyes opening up to a light above, although it was blurred to all hell, he could see that it was a light. He saw a fuzzy head lean into his view.

"Seems you have awakened. Let's test it. Sit up." Deathstroke said.

Dick sat up without any hesitation. "Now take that gun next to you, and shoot the scientist." Deathstroke whispered.

Dick, although wanting to stop and fighting the urge, his body was the dominant one here. Without hesitation, the gun was grabbed and the trigger was pulled.

He watched as the scientist fell and the only way he could describe it was that he felt trapped inside his own mind. All most like a simulation once again. Did he really kill the scientist? Or was this another attempt to fully break him?

"Well this is certainly striking results. Let's see exactly how well you follow orders. Shall we?" Deathstroke explained. Dick nodded. When he looked down he couldn't help but notice that his arm was bleeding. That gave him his suspicion that this was just another simulation. If it was real, he wouldn't be hurting. Usually his simulations, when he was harmed it didn't go into the real world. Would they?

is he in the real world? Or was this all just another sick version of a Simulation?

*Back at the mountain*

"We have looked all over that damn area. He isn't there. We may need the team on this." Roy explained.

"Then let's not waste time. Let's get going. Dick is out there getting tortured or who knows what. We owe it to him to save him." Jason explained.

"I just home he didn't suffer a lot." Kayla explained. "He deserves to be happy more than anyone and Deathdick can just shove a bullet up his ass."

Despite the mood, that couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on, let's go get the team involved. Maybe get some of Bats input." Jason explained.

They all got up and walked to the main room, getting ready to come up with a plan. They just hoped it wasn't to late.

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