Chapter 21

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A/N: I asked the question if whether or not you guys wanted some Birdflash or anything like that. A few said yes and a few were against it. So I have decided that I will only have Dick tell Wally what he saw, but it will not be a huge part of the book. This book I wanted it to focus on my Bat boys (Jason and Dick) relationship. So I may do another story, similar, but completely different(a depressed birdie) and do some Birdflash in there. I will listen to my followers! Now on to the chapter.(ps: AHMAHGAWD two updates in a day????) Yes.


  Dick couldn't comprehend what was going on. His mind was starting to race at the fact that he was the one to kill Roy. He just.. couldn't comprehend it.

  "I... killed him?" Dick asked. "How?"

  "We aren't supposed to talk about it." Jason explained.

  Dick practically threw himself at Jason, clutching onto his jacket. "You need to tell me! I need to prevent this from happening!" He yelled.

  There was some silence before Jason started explaining. "I will tell you, but I don't want you to break again."

  "I wont... just... please?" Dick mumbled.

  Jason sighed. "The night we found you, we had been searching all night. Kayla, Roy, Wally, M'gaan and I all figured you would be in town since Deathstroke liked to play games and hide you in plain sight. We had a suspicion about this building we came across. As we entered, you were leaving, but immediately I knew something was wrong. When we asked what was the matter... you turned your eyes toward Roy, and smirked." He paused, trying to recollect himself. "You ran towards him and knocked him to the ground. When we tried to save him, Deathstroke came out of nowhere and stopped us. We had to fight him to help you. But it was already to late. You were enjoying yourself to much. We ciuld tell Roy was trying to be brave and snapping you out of it, but you just continued to torture him." He paused, feeling Dick start to shake at the details. He held on tighter.

  "When Roy was... you snapped out of it and nearly broke in half. You tried to kill yourself until Wally broke free and grabbed you, running as far as he could. Deathstroke got away as well, but he hasn't shown his ugly mug around here in 3 years." Jason explained. Dick, upon hearing this, was scared and shocked at the news. He knew Deathstroke was trying to make him his own little "emotionless" Puppet, but he couldn't believe just how far it was taken. He killed Roy. That was something he deemed unforgivable.

  He felt Jason's jacket start to melt away, bringing him back to reality, that he didn't kill Roy. He couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped him.

  He was back in the room with doors. He could see again. The middle door was open and read "outcome percentage 73%." That gave Dick a chill.

  He looked to the right at door number 1 and bit his lip, wondering what will remain on that side. Sucking in a breath, he walked up to it and opened the door.

  *Simulation 69*

  When he awoke he was in the middle of the mountain, in his nightwing outfit on. He looked up and saw the whole of young justice, smiling and laughing. He couldn't let a smile hit his lips as he joined them. All of them looked over and smiled back.

  "Good to see you're awake!" Wally exclaimed. Dick flushed red, remembering the other simulation, nearly dying of embarrassment.

  "Yes I am." Dick croaked.

  "Good, now that everyone is awake, I would like to make an announcement." Wally explained, raising a bowl of sparkling substance. He looked around the table and saw a mixture of wine glasses, bowls and coffee mugs filled with the same substance. Is that champagne?  Dick asked.

  "For the longest time I have secretly had my eye on Artemis. She knows this so I would like to tell you guys that we are getting married." He exclaimed.

  Dick chuckled.

  "Woah another marriage between the team?!" M'gaan shouted. "Oh this will be exciting!"

  "Wait... another?! Who else got married?" Dick shouted, scoffing at being unaware of this.

  "Uh... Kayla and Roy of course." Jason explained. "Although they are both on a mission right now that has taken them 3 months."

  Dick almost fainted hearing the news. He couldn't believe his ears. He walked over to Jason and snatched his arm, bringing him away from the group as they celebrated.

  "Woah, whats the matter Dick?" He asked.

  "I need to ask you something." Dick said, before letting go of his arm.

  "Shoot away."

  "What happened to me? With Deathstroke I mean." He asks, biting his lip.

  "You escaped, remember. You were put through these simulations and you ended up escaping one and killing Deathstroke. When you came back you went into detail about it. We just figured you were just enjoying the thought of getting back at your kidnapper. Anyways I need to go contact Roy and Kayla. The are due back anytime." Jason slapped Dick on the arm before running towards the debriefing room.

  He escaped Deathstroke? Yeah... like that was possible. Dick thought, before everything dissolved once again. Whem he was back in the room of three doors, he looked at door number one, which read "outcome percentage 41%" he groaned, knowing the happier ones were less likely to happen.

   He took deep breaths before finally mustering up the courage and opened the last door.


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