Chapter 8

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Silence filled the car as they drove the 4 hours back to Happy Harbor. Jason was blaming himself silently while Roy was lost in thought on how to tell the Justice league that Dick was back in the clutches of Deathstroke. He hated the thought of the bat glare he was gonna get but at the same time, he knew it was better for Dick to be with them than at the mountain, so the bat glare didn't bother him as much.

"You know you were right." Jason said, finally breaking the silence of two hours.

Roy peaked over, a surprised look on his face. "About?"

Jason looked over and cleared his throat. "A few months ago, you didn't trust Kayla and told us we should've asked more questions, but we didn't listen. You were right about her." Jason explained.

Roy shrugged. "Well if we are doing this, then you are right as well." Roy said.

Jason raised a brow in confusion. "About?" He asked, copying Roy's movements.

"There is something else at play. Kayla wouldn't do this unless she had a choice. We may not have known her long, but I can guarantee that she was being blackmailed. I just want to know why." Roy explained.

"I don't know if we ever will." Jason explained, before the car was filled with tense silence once again.

They stayed that way until they were back into Happy Harbor and about 20 minutes away from the Mountain that Jason decided to speak.

"Why does it feel so wrong to come back here?" He asked.

"Don't start this. We just need to get this over with and get Dick back. Shut up and accept your mistake, Jason." Roy snapped, glaring over at Jason.

Jason lifted his hands up in surrender. "Fine, I will shut up and accept it." He said.

"Finally!" Roy said, taking a sharp turn. To see the mountain in veiw. "Almost there." He said.

"Oh joy." Jason said, his voice coming out monotone. He just sighed and continued staring out of the window.

*Somewhere classified*

Dick groaned awake, a familiar aroma filled his nose as he slowly sat up. His cheek throbbed at well as his bottom lip. Thats when everything rushed back to him and his breathing picked up slightly when he felt the floor under him, noticing the familiar holes in the concrete. He was in the same cell he was in at the beginning of this whole mess.

"No..." Dick whispered, running his fingers over the floor and up the walls until they finally made contact with the bars ahead of him. He slumped against them, his body weak with depression. "Not again.."

He heard a door open and frantic heels clicking on the floor. He didn't bother to read or even feel who thw aura belonged to, his mind starting to escape in on itself.

"Dick!" A loud whisper came, and Dick instantly knew who it was. He turned his body away from the bars, and was turned into his dark jail cell.

"Dick, you awake? Its me, Kayla." She said.

"Haven't you done enough? Go away." Dick replied, although his voice came out more panicked than stern.

The heels stopped right in front of his cage, and he heard shuffling before he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I know what I did was wrong, but I came to tell you Deathstroke is letting me and my brother go. I am gonna get you help. I know where this place is, so you wont be here long. I promise." She explaiend. "Just hang in there." She said before more shuffling was heard and the heat from her hand disappeared as rhe heels clicked away from his cage.

He heard the door close and the hallway filled with silence yet again. Dick, in his fragile state, brought his knees up to his chest and did the only thing that felt right at the moment.

He cried into his knees, closing in on himself like he used to when it was just him and his thoughts. He didn't know when he started feeling sleepy, but instead of fighting it, he accepted the exhaustion.

A/N: I know its not the long chapter you have been waiting for, but its something. I will updat again very soon, I just felt like I needed to get something out, so voila! The next chapter will be longer, I guarntee, but I felt bad not getting anything out so here you guys are! Again, I am sorry about the small chapter ;^;

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