Chapter 19

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*A month earlier*

Dick awoke on the couch in the middle of mount justice. It looked just like it did before he was kidnapped 4 years ago. He couldn't help the smile that crept on his face.

  "Robin wake up! Our mission starts in an hour. We need to talk to bats." He heard a familiar voice that made his heart crunch like a grape to a raisin.

  He glanced over the back of the couch seeing Wally in his uniform, looking impatient. He felt tears roll down his face  as he stood up and ran toward Wally, tackling him to the ground. The thing that tripped him out, was he felt real.

  "Woah, you okay? What's with the water works?" Wally asked.

  "Your here! I-I can see you! I can feel you!" He said, patting Wallys arms, face and chest, feeling a sense of relieve flood through him.

  "Of course I'm here. Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, sitting up, but Divk didn't want to loose the feeling of being close to someone.

  "You could say that." Dick sniffled.

  "What was it about? I need to know what scared you this bad. I've never seen you so... like this before." Wally explained.

  Dick met his eyes, seeing genuine concern in them. "You mean... you don't remember?" Dick asked, his voice cracking.

  "Remember what?"

  Dick felt his stomach drop. "Deathstroke, I got kidnapped, being gone for 3 years, being tortured... almost loosing the battle against myself. You don't remember any of it?" Dick asked, slowly scooting away from him.

  Wally was lost, looking at Dick like he was crazy. A frightened animal in a cage. "I don't remember any of that. You must have had a wickedly crazy dream."

  Dick shook his head, the tears coming again. "No... where is Jason? He will clear this up." Dick assured.

  "Who?" Wally asked.

  Dick was about to press more when Batman walked in. "Robin, get dressed. Mission in 45." Batman said before walking away, not even acknowledging his tears or current state.

  "What mission?" Dick asked.

  "Wow that nightmare really messed with your head. Checking out the intel about activity from Bane, Cheshire, Sportsmaster and Dearhstroke." Wally explained.

  Dick felt sick upon hearing the familiarity of this mission. He shook his head, backing away from Wally. "No..." Dick whispered. "This can't be happening. Not again." Dick shook.

  "Robin its okay. It's just a simple Intel mission. Now come on." Wally explained.

  "No it's not, Wally! It's a trap! He wants me... He doesn't know it yet but... He wants to use me against you guys! I know what I'm saying! I may be the smallest of the group but my Intel is never wrong." Dick shouted, feeling a sense of power he hasn't felt in a while.

  "What's with all the commotion? You guys fighting over something stupid again?" Artemis asks, coming from the kitchen.

  "Robin is convinced the mission is a trap." Wally explained.

  "Well of course it is. Intel like that? It's always a trap, but we have to inspect it in case it's not. Now quite arguing and get ready. Wally come here I need to talk to you." Artemis explained, grabbing Wally's elbow and dragging him away from the conversation.

  Alone, Dick tried to take feel breaths, refocusing himself. He has to think. Was all his suffering, kidnapping, hurting, running... just a nightmare?

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