Chapter 29

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Deathstroke needed to finish this and fast. Thinking on his feet he looked over at Dick who was currently surrounded by 3 of his team mates. Getting to him would be a challenge, but he had a plan. A plan where even he didn't have to lift a finger.

Standing up he put his swords away and looked over at Sportsmaster who caught Deathstroke gaze. He understood. Sportsmaster kicked Connor away before rushing over to Cheshire and scooping her up. He ran off into the woods. Half of the group ran after them, leaving Jason, Roy, Dick, Kayla, Zatanna and Wally behind.

Dick was still on the ground, but his mind was starting to clear up from the mess it was in a minute ago. Whatever happened, seemed to turn his mind around. He slowly stood with the help of Jason. His body felt sore, his face especially.

Deathstroke smirked behind his mask. "Well. Seems I am left alone." He said.

"Give up, Deathstroke. You are clearly outnumbered." Kayla said.

"Am I? Ms. Haze?" He said, stepping forward only to have the group ready their weapons. Deathstroke only chuckled, throwing all of them into a loop. "Renegade. Come." He demanded.

They didn't understand at first until Dick started walking forward. Wally used his speed to step in front of him, grabbing his shoulders to stop him. That didn't last when Wally felt something hit the middle of his back, causing him to collapse to the floor. Dick flinched, but continued to walk towards Deathstroke.

Once he was next to him, he turned to face his team's presence. Deathstroke stepped forward and placed a hand on Dick's shoulder. "Like I told you before. He will join me. And now it seems I have won." He said.

"He was forced. You said he would come back willingly. You didn't win, you cheated." Wally said, from the ground.

Deathstroke shrugged. "Cheating is a villains thing." He walked behind Dick, unsheathing one of his swords and pressing it to Dick's back. "Now shall we play a game of choice?" He said.

"Choice?" Roy asked, leaning against a tree for support.

"Dick has played it multiple times. Always between the lives of people he cared about or the people he didn't. It's my favorite game. It really shows just how much weakness a person has." He explained. He pointed to Jason and Zatanna both of which were standing in the middle of the group.

"Both of you will be my contestants." He pressed the sword into Dick's back. "Who would you like to die? One of you, who will die by Dick's hand, or the shooter himself?" He asked.

He handed Dick a gun and Dick gripped it with no questions. In Dick's mind though it was a war zone. He wanted them to choose him. He couldn't bear being the one to kill them. It would destroy him and he knew that was Deathstroke's plan. He tried to break through the barrier but he couldn't. Nothing he tried was working to take control of his own body, and he was running out of time.

"Kill me." Jason said after a moment of silence.

"Jason no." Roy said, grabbing his shirt.

"So you want him to die?!" Jason shouted.

"No but we will find another way!"

"Roy, just let me do this. I have died twice now. Third time is a charm." He said before stepping forward.

Dick's body lifted the gun, but what they didn't expect was that it was shaking in his hands. Dick was trying to break through and the tears streaking down his eyes were a good sign.

"Dick, don't do this. You can fight it. We may have been jerks to you in the past and not have believed in you, but we do now. I believ you have enough strength to break through this!" Wally said, leaning against Kayla who helped him off of the ground.

Dick tried to break the wall in his mind. He just needed to get free. He needed to save Jason.

Deathstroke pressed the sword into Dick's back, causing the skin to break and blood to start trickling down. Dick couldn't see them, but he felt their presence. They were warm and welcoming.

He closed his eyes and listened to the heart beat in his ears. He took a deep breath and focused on a happy memory. Knowing that would jolt him out of his predicament He was in now. The memory of being adopted by Bruce Wayne came first. Dick would always cherish that memory. Meeting Alfred for the first time. Being a part of the young justice. This one was very special to him. Meeting Jason. That one held a special place in his heart, but now it would only seen like the biggest mistake of his life.

He needed to break the wall. If not for his own good, then for Jason's. For his team. He tried to fight through the darkness, finding a small sliver of light.

"Break through, Dick. Bats needs you." Roy said.

Dick felt tears spill out of his eyes. The light coming into veiw as he reached for it. And thats when it happened. He broke free lowering the gun as he did. He took a deep breath and felt the presence of his friends. He peaked behind him to see a blurru Deathstroke's face was(which was just a block of yellow) close to his shoulder, which meant his knee must be next to him. Exposed. He knew what he was about to do, would have dire consequences, but he was willing to take them.

"I'm sorry, guys." He said in a whisper, before swinging the gun back and shooting Deathstroke in the knee. Deathstroke grunted, not expecting Dick to get free of the series affects. Dick cocked it again, tuning around shot in the air, hoping to shoot him eithout missing. It was a success as the bullet hit him un the shoulder.
Dick felt a rush of relief hit his body when he realized what just happened. It felt like a rush he hadn't had in a while.

Deathstroke looked up at his protege, looking almost impressed at his actions. That is until he saw the happiness creeping onto Dick's face.

"It seems you have won. But you forget youself in the moment, Renegade. I'm Deathstroke." He said, before ignoring the pain in his knee and standing up and grabbing Dick's shoulder before shoving the sword deep into Dick's side. "I will always get the final kill." He whispered into Dick's ear.

Just then, Roy tackled Deathstroke to the ground and punched him so hard in the face it pretty much knocked him out. Though Roy punched him once more to make sure before looking back at Dick who was starting to fall back to the floor.

Thankfully Wally caught him before they both fell to the ground. Dick was struggling with his breathing, trying to keep his composure.

"Stay with me, Dick." Wally said.

Dick could feel their presence and a smile crept on his face. "I... I shot him... but... He still won." Dick managed.

"Save you energy, Dick." Jason said. "He didn't win. Not unless you let him."

Dick shook his head. "I let him win...." He took in a breath, but coughed when his lungs hurt."i need to say something." He grabbed onto Jason's hand that was on his shoulder. "I... I was able to break through because of memories I cherished. Joining... Bruce, being a part of the young justice.. Meeting Jason... even you Kayla." He coughed, flinching roughly. "You guys helped me break through his serum and see.. just how much my life was changed. These past years were hell... but.. It seems like it was a bitter memory compared to the moment now." He finished before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hand dropped from Jason's.

They looked down to see Dick was breathing but barely. They needed to get him out of here and back to the mountain, hoping Deathstroke didn't make his promise come true. They needed to get him back and fast.

They just didn't know if this time they would be able to make it.

A/N: so I finished this chapter at work cause movie theatres are boring on Wednesdays. But I hope you guys enjoy it. It is a long chapter. Also does anyone else get so sucked into the moment of writing that you legit think you are actually there? Cause I do that all the time. Anyway see ya in the next chapters!

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