Chapter 12

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To say they were surprised of her sudden change into mommy dearest was an understatement. In fact, Roy found it flat out creepy as he watched her baby her little brother like she was his own mother.

She was currently getting him ready, brushing his hair and making it look at least a little presentable before they went into the rock of doom as Jay liked to call it.

"You know Pampering a child is how they end up a brat, right?" Roy finally said, watching her try to brush his hair.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She glared.

"Just saying. Its not a wise idea. It will go to their heads, trust me. Just look at Jay." Roy smirked.

Jason sent a glare his way before walking ahead of them. "When you finish flirting come in." He said before fully disappearing in the entrance.

Kayla felt sick now that she was looking at the most secure base in the world that held people much more powerful than her and have heard of her doing what she did to Dick.

"Come on. Its time to go in and think of a plan for rescuing Dick." He explained.

Kayla gulped and gripped her brothers hand, before following the speedster and the archer into the mountain. The closer they got, Kyle would hide farther behind his sister, trying so hard to disappear.

Once they entered the place, Kayla was instantly in awe. The place looked really cool, sending a smile on her face as she took it in. Kyle even came out from behind her to search the area, his good eye taking in the massive place.

When they followed behind Wally, they saw people in front of them they haven't met yet and froze. The people looked confused, especially the other blonde girl in the green mask who only gave Kayla the stare of the century.

"Kauldur, where is Batman?" He asked, walking over to the kiddie league.

"He is at the garage currently, is there a reason you brought a civilian into the mountain?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at the shocked girl.

Jason nodded. "That's Kayla, she came to help find Dick."

Artemis glared. "Isn't She the one who got Dick captured in the first place?!"

"She came to make it right, back off." Jason said.

"She can't make this right. It's all because of her that one of our own is suffering! Might I also add that this is the second time he has been through this!" Artemis shouted back, her anger reaching its all time high.

"I didn't have a choice!" Kayla finally shouted, breaking her silent shock.

Everyone stared at her in shock, before Kauldur finally said something. "What does she mean?"

Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, finally reaching his limit for irritation. "Like I said before, I will explain it when Bats gets here." He mumbled through clenched teeth.

Everyone seemed content eith that answer, but they still sent glares Kayla's way, still not even noticing the little brother who hid behind her legs. They waited patiently in tense silence, hoping the brooding bat will come and make this thick quiet break like glass.

Kayla stood in the same spot, her little brother remaining behind her as they waited patiently to right the wrong she did. She really wanted to make it up to them for assisting in getting Dick Grayson caught yet again. At the same time, though, she couldn't help but be happy, since she saved her brother from being a broken adult. She would do it all over again if it meant her brother was saved from torture and she knew Dick would switch places any day to save someone the torture he had to endure... Or is going to endure.

Her mental train of thoughts were cut off by a voice that shook her out of her mind. She looked up to see it was the one and only, Batman. Instantly, ahe felt a pit in her stomach, starting to grow into a cement rock that sat pretty. She gripped Kyle's hand harder, hoping it would give her some comfort, and she was correct.

"I ask again, why is she here?" His voice said, stern and low.

"She came to help find Dick. She was locked up with him, she can help us get to the facility." Wally said, taking Jason's glory of explaining.

Bruce looked over at her, who cowered slightly to the death glare. She didn't realize how hard she was squeezing her brothers hand, because he yelped from behind her, making his presence finally known.

She gasped, breaking her eye contact to look behind her to see Kyle. "Oh my God, Kyle, I am so sorry. I didn't realize the grip I had on your hand, are you okay?" She asked.

Kyle nodded. "I'm okay..." he whispered to her, she caught it, but to most of them it was inaudible.

Bruce looked at the child and instantly got struck with memories of Dick. The little boy had a striking resemblance to both Dick and Jason when they were kids. He couldn't help but feel a small smile touch his stern look as he watched the kid nervously fidget with his sleeves.

"What's the story?" Artemis asked, folding her arms.

"What?" Kayla asked, shooting her head to the blonde archer.

"What is the story with you and the little one. Tell us and maybe we wont see you as a treacherous snake." Artemis said harshly.

She sighed. "The little one is my brother. We were captured by Deathstroke when we were little. I met Dick when we were cell mates, but even then we only talked a few times." She explained, trying to leave it as vague as humanly possible. "When Dick freed himself, I ended up becoming Deathstroke's toy to help him get Dick back. I had no choice because he was going to do terrible things to my little brother. I couldn't have that, and when I told Dick about everything... he understood. He didn't want anyone else going through that torture... So he said he forgave me." She explained. "That's the story. I betrayed him to save my brother. There's nothing more to it." She explained before gulping.

Everyone remained silent, a thick, tense silence filled the air. Nobody said anything for the longest time, until Jason decided the silence went on long enough. "I told you guys she was being blackmailed." He said. "But that's the past. We need to figure out where Dick is and rescue him. I'm not letting you guys give up the search like you did last time. I am forcing you guys to continue it." He scolded. Everyone else flinched, except Batman, who only kept a stone face

Batman nodded. "Kayla knows the place. We will commence combat and stealth units to help rescue Dick. Until then, stay put. That means you three as well." He glared, pointing at Jason, Roy and Kayla, before turning and walking out of the room. They turned to each other and shrugged, before everyone split off from the group and into different parts of the mountain. The same things on their brains.

'Will we find Dick? And if we do... will we find him whole or broken shards of glass?'

A/N: another update? hells yes! Sorry for the slight delaaaay... I have been busy with work and life and you know... the joys of being 20 ;^; ive also been trying to get My Hunk Cosplay done for Comic con, so that is a stress as well º¤º anywho! Enjoy the chapter! (Also some of you asked me, why did Wally reveal himself so easily last chapter, and It's because she lived with Dick for four months! She obviously knows a lot of identities already!)

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