Chapter 15

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Dick jerked awake, expecting to feel the bed underneath him, but instead, felt a metal table. He groaned, knowing exactly what that meant. He was about to be experimented on once again.

He heard the heavy footsteps enter the room, like combat boots, and knew exactly who it was.

"It seems your friends found the old facility we were located at." Deathstroke spoke, making Dick perk up at what had been said. But in an instance he deflated into the metal table.

"Why are you telling me this? Not like I'm going to benefit from the information. If you haven't noticed, I am on tight watch thanks to you." Dick grumbled.

He heard Deathstroke chuckle, but tried to not look interested in what humored him.

"You don't seem concerned for your friends outcome." He said.

Dick smirked. "They are smart. Whatever you threw at them, I'm sure they dodged." He explained.

Deathstroke was amused at the new confidence his protege had obtained. He couldn't have that. Leaning down, he made a fast attempt to lock Dick's neck brace, nearly making Dick jump out of his skin.

"Seems this ordeal is giving you quite the tongue. We very well can't have that." He said, reaching for the already prepared syringe, filled with the scientists mysterious purple liquid. "I will have you know, when they entered the facility, their fates were already sealed." He jabbed the syringe into the exposed skin in his neck. Dick flinched.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Deathstroke got closer to his ear, a synical taste to his voice. "I planted a bomb and when they entered, it went off. My drones have yet to find a living soul on their radars." He laughed, finally pushing the syringe into his neck.

Dick had no time to react to the news of his friends, instead, his screams were the only thing to fill the room. His veins burning like hell-fire in the afternoon. Everywhere felt like it was boiling from the inside out. The fire seemed to spread, and all he could do was sit there and squirm, crying and praying it would end.

Deathstroke just tossed the syringe into the garbage and turned to walk out of the room, closing the door. His boots and the distant scream were the only things to be heard in the hall.


He coughed, dust collecting into his lungs as he tried to hack out a lung from all the dirt that seemed to well in his throat. His eyes slowly opened, and the first thing he noticed was the bright yellow force field around him. Surprised he turned his head to see Kayla, Artemis and Wally all passed out. Kayla had blood dripping down her forehead with a few cuts on her cheeks. Wally only had a bruise starting to well on the bottom of his chin. Artemis was the worst out of them. She had a piece of metal debris, burried in her stomach with blood matted in her blonde hair. She was barely breathing, something Jason picked up rather quickly. He tried to sit up, but was stopped when he found he couldn't. Looking down he saw why.

A pole was sticking out of his side, holding him hostage to the ground. He cursed at himself, finally feeling the throbbing pain as the adrenaline slowly started to eat away until only a slow heartbeat could be felt in his side.

"Is everyone okay?" Came a voice, so smooth it nearly sounded like an angel. Jason looked up to see it was Zatanna, her wand out and pointed to the sky.

"I'm guessing... you are to thank... for saving our... lives?" Jason asked.

She glanced down at him, nodding happily, until she spotted the pole and gasped horrified. "You're injured badly!" She shouted.

Jason shook his head. "I can manage, trust me. Get Artemis help first." He explained.

"We are waiting for M'gaan and Connor to Dig the debris away. There was quite a lot from the blast." She explained. "Luckily I knew something felt wrong and got there in the nick of time to save you guys from the worst of the blast." She explained. They heard the rocks being moved, knowing the were closer to being rescued than they knew.

Once Connor was seen, the rubble was easy to clear away. Zatanna made a whole in her force field to allow them to come in. One by one, team Combat piled into the area, leaving Roy up top to be handed the injured. First was Wally, then Kayla, and Artemis, who M'gaan carefully carried up to the surface.

When it was Jason's turn, they were faced with a challenge. "Don't pull it out. I will die faster." He glanced at Kauldur and nodded. "I need you to cut the pole on both sides. Long enough to yank out when we get to the Mountain, but short enough to not jostle it or make me bleed anymore than I am." He explained.

Kauldur nodded, using his knife to cut the top of it. Connor helped lift him up, moving him up the pole slightly. Jason gasped horrifyingly harsh, but refused to let a scream escape. Kauldur carefully sawed through the pole. Once he was free, M'gaan floated him up to the surface. When everyone was out and on the grass, Zatanna said her spell and the whole place collapsed into dust.

Wally came too, his head starting to pound as he took in that he was safe. He looked around to see that Kayla and Artemis still had yet to awaken. "What happened?"

"The building was rigged with bombs. Zatanna saved you from the worst part, but some of you still managed to get injured." Kauldur explained.

"Kayla just sliced her head open. But she will be fine." Roy said, moving on to Artemis. He saw the red, mixed into her blonde locks and paled. "Artemis needs medical attention. She hit her head rather hard, and if that isn't life threatening enough, she also got stabbed by a piece of shrapnel."

"I called the Bio-ship. We should hurry to the mountain." M'gaan explained.

"Jason?" They heard, seeing that Kauldur had Jason's arm wrapped around his neck, carrying most of his weight. What made them worry, was the fact that Jason was slumping against Kauldur, passed out. Roy was confused, until he saw the broken pipe in his stomach.

"What happened to him?!" Roy shouted, standing up from where he stood above Artemis, and rushed over to Jason's side.

"We found him held to the floor by a pole. He and Artemis are the most injured out of all. We must get them to the Mountain and fast." Kauldur explained.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Roy snapped, taking Jason's other hand and wrapping it around his neck to hepp support some of Jason's weight. They all piled into the bio-ship, waiting eagerly and impatiently for the medical attention they needed.

They just hope they can get them the help they need in time. All of them thinking the same thing in their minds.

They already lost one and refuse to lose anymore.

A/N: *smiles evilly* Seems I have had a naughty little bone in me for writing cliff hangars xD sorry it took me a minute to upload, I have been hooked on reading this book called "The Name of the Wind" and it is like... my life right now. It's so hard to put it down! If you enjoyed anything like Lotr, hobbit, Narnia, or any sort, I highly suggest it! It has cute humor and a great story :D anywho! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! See you batlings in the next one!!!

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