update on why I haven't uploaded

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So.... I started a new job at the cinemark. I am finally done with college and I have just been struggling a little at my new job. Harsh hours, but amazing people. I haven't given up on any of my books, but it will be a minute before another update comes out. I have Sunday off, so I will hopefully update then, but it's a struggle xD. Also if you are a fan, after this book I have a new one ( wrote down the outline for it on a slow day at work on receipt paper haha) it will be a birdflash one and because I am an Angsty writer, it will have angst in it. But just some updates to he aware of.
Also my job is so awesome! I get free MOVIES man!
I love you guys! Again sorry.
OH I FORGOT TO MENTION! there will be a Halloween special for my voltron one shots and for this book so keep a look out for that!

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