Chapter 3

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Dick shivered himself awake from the cold. He could hear soft snoring next to him, but he didn't know who it was. Yawning, he started to stretch, but gasped when his arm throbbed in protest. At that moment, everything came back to him. They were running away from the Justice League and his old team. How far did they get?

"You awake, Dick?" Dick jumped to the souhnd of Jason's voice.

After a moment, he nodded. "The cold woke me up." Dick whispered.

There was a small chuckle in the air before Jason spoke. "Figured. Its colder than the last few days have been."

Dick shifted in his spot, folding his arms with his injured one protected. "That is how life works. You are in a place where you finally feel safe and warm and once you leave it the world is against you." Dick said sarcastically.

Jason chuckled. "I can hear the sarcasm in your voice."

"You were meant to." Dick shot back. "Its what I used to act like. I was witty, sarcastic and a badass." Dick paused for a moment, his eyes travelling down. "Now I am just a shell of what used to be."

"No you arent. You just used sarcasm, Dick. If anything you still have that spunk, we just need it to come out and play." Jason said, jumping off of the ledge he was sitting on to walk closer to Dick.

"Good luck finding it." Dick mumbled, slowly peeling himself away from the cold metal door and stood up, feeling Jason's presence right next to him. He decides to change the subject. "So who is asleep?"

  He heard Jason scoff. "Take a guess.  Roy abandoned his post because he was tired. Roy and Kayla are basically cuddled up together." Jason said.

  "Wow, wish I could see their humiliation, but yeah know, I physically can't." Dick pouted, putting both hands in his hoodie and walking a little ways in front of him.

  Jason sighed, watching as Dick's slouched shoulders walk away from him. "If you don't mind me asking, I noticed your face earlier when we were on our way to the motorcycles. You had fear and pain written all over your face. Do you want to tell me what that was about?" Jason asked, watching as Dick physically tense like a frozen droplet.

  Dick knew what Jason was on about, considering he wasn't very bright with hiding his expressions. Dick felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump and gasp, unaware of how close Jason's presence really was.

  Dick gulped. "Uh... uhm well I had a Nightmare... one I have not had since I was in the care of him." Dick turned to Jason's presence, his voice a little shaky. "I was pointing a gun at both you and Wally. I was calm and collected in the nightmare, like I was under his control again and that scared me. When I pulled the trigger, I woke up. I mean I would never even think about that and It hurts me to know that I would even think about something like tha-" Dick was cut off by a pair of arms around him. At firat he was shocked, but after a few seconds, he felt the tears start to spill over and before he knew it, he was crying.

  "That will never happen, Dick. You know why? Because you will never be in his control again. You will never go back to being his so called "protégé" because we will never let you. It was a nightmare and thats all it will ever be." Jason soothed.

  After a few more moments of sniffling and Dick calmed down, he stepped away from Jason and smiled, a real, genuine smile that he truly did not have to force. "I know, thanks Jason."

  Jason chuckled, bringing his hand up to ruffle Dick's hair. "Anytime, Grayson."

  As they walked over to the bags to get a snack, they were unaware of a certain set of ears that were awake and alert.

  Kayla felt her stomach churn and her heart sink. Listening to their conversation made her want to puke. She felt sick of herself for even catching their conversation. She knew she had to break Dick and return him to Deathstroke for her brother. But now she didn't know what was right anymore. Seeing Dick start to heal from when she first met him, makes her happy, but knowing she has to break that again makes her puke.

  She just didn't know what to think anymore and that alone, scared her.

**JLA/ Young Justice**

  "We were this close to getting them, but that fakey turn just threw everything." Wally grumbled, his chun on the control panel of M'gaan's bio-ship.

  "Cutting them off at the legs was a full proof plan, but we should have known they would see through it and find an escape route. They were trained by Batman after all." Kauldur said, folding his arms.

  "We just want to help Dick, why is he running away?" Artemis asked, throwing her hands up in frustration.

  "Because Jason is there and he is quite persuasive. He made us think we were the ones at fault for Dick's self harming." Conner said, joining the conversation. "Right?"

  M'gaan kissed Conner on the cheeck before nodding. "Yes that is right. Dick is following Jason because he thinks moving with him is safer than the mountain. I mean he had what three or four encounters with Deathstroke while at the mountain and who knows how many he had with just Jason alone."

  Wally threw his head up, pointing a finger up. "I also have another question. Who was the blonde girl with them? Do any of you know?"

  They all shared looks, confusion overtaking their expressions. That is until Kauldur remembered an incident a few months ago. "It could have been Kayla Haze. She appeared a few months ago and like Batman said, she was in the grasp of Deathstroke alongside Dick. Maybe they found each other again and are helping each other." Kauldur said.

   "Its just a theory but one we should seriously find out." Artemis said.

  "Great, then we should get back to Mount Justice and talk it over with the big leagues too." Wally said, sitting up the put his seatbelt on.

  "Good idea. Since they disappeared on our radar for now, we need to figure out another strategy before they are able to get too far." Artemis said. All of them nodded in agreement before they headed to base.

  A/N: Hey Batlings!!! How is everyones year so far? Hopefully better than mine xD Anyway as you can tell, I did an update. Sorry for the lack, work is stressing the crap out of me, but this chapter gave me a stress relief. Just writing it haha. Also Simon  is worrying me as well and its not a good mix of stress, but I am not giving up on you guys nor this book! Anyways I love you guys!!! Stay strong, Always keep fighting and be the  awesome Batlings that you are <3



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