Chapter 27

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They came closer to the bio ship when a sharp pain entered Dick's head, causing him to groan. He tried to shake it off, as to not alert the team. He kept his pace with them as he held onto Jason's shoulder for some support.

  That's when he felt it, he felt liquid running down his other arm and when he clenched it closed, he knew what it was. Blood. He completely forgot about the cuts.

  "Jason..." Dick whispered.

  That alerted Jason or to what Dick could sense, and he felt Jason grab his side, slowing them to a stop.

  "What is it?" Jason asked.

  Dick gulped and pointed to his right arm, which through his blurred eyes that can't see anything but vague color and shapes, he noticed his arm was completely dark red. That wasn't a good sign.

  "Its okay, we will fix it on the bio ship. Come on, we cant stop any more." They stood there for a minute until he felt a cloth being wrapped around his wrist. "I wrapped it with my jacket for now. Come on." He said.

  Dick felt Jason grip his hand and trailed him behind. Dick followed without another word, clutching his now wrapped arm to his chest as they ran.

  But once they were by the bio ship, all of them stopped suddenly and Dick not knowing why, kept going until he was yanked back roughly, tumbling to the ground next to Jason. Dick just sat there, letting go of Jason's hand and clutching his arm.

  "What is it?" Dick asked.

  "A trap. There are electric pillars around the bio ship. It got Connor once." Wally said.

  "I felt the energy." Connor explained. "It made the hairs on my neck go up. Alerting me."

  Dick understood, slowly getting to his knees and clutching onto a tree nearby. "Is M'gaan okay?" He asked.

  "I am. I managed to go under them. With my phasing." M'gaan said, appearing from the ground. Dick felt her presence and instantly felt safe in a caccoon of his friends.

  "So how are we going to destroy the pillars without triggering them?" Wally asked.

  "Easy, I shoot one or them with an arrow and it destroys the link they have." Artemis explained, stepping up and shooting a bomb arrow at one of the pillars. To their luck it exploded, sizzling out.

  "I must say, that was clever." Kayla said from behind them. They all turned to see Kauldur and Kayla appearing from behind the trees. Zatanna walked over to Kauldur and started up a conversation as Kayla walked over to Dick.

  Dick felt her presence and tensed up at first, his thoughts running wild. "Hey Dick... how are you holding up?" She asked.

  Dick bit his lip, unaware of how to answer. Was he doing Okay? Horrible? Just as good as he can?

  He wanted to scream. On one hand he was free for the most part, back together with his team feeling happy and on the other hand Deathstroke was still free and the traitor who turned her back on him was standing right in front of him acting like a part of the team. He couldn't describe his rage, betrayal and happiness all in a single sentence.

  "Dick?" Kayla asked again.

  This made him explode. "What do you want me to say Kayla?!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention. "Do you want me to say I'm Okay? That I want to go skip rocks under a rainbow? I was tortured for months while he played mind games with me! He broke me and I kmow you betrayed me for your brother but I still can't get over all the things he did to me! He- i- I just need some time." He said the last sentence with so much tired sadness that it broke their hearts to hear.

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