Chapter 11

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Coming to a stop at the place of suspicion, Roy and Jason got off their motorcycles and walked over to the abandoned hospital's west wing. They knew Kayla would be there, because she had many stories here that she use to tell when they were bored.

  They walked over to the rusted metal of the stairs, before Roy brought his bow out and turned around quickly, shooting it at the nearby tree. Jason looked over, seeing it made contact with something. He squinted his eyes and immediately, his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He huffed, marching over to the seemingly "unconscious" body and stopped Just a few inches from them.

  "Why am I not surprised that Wally West tagged along?" Jason asked, bending down to lift the boy up by his arm. "What are you doing here, Wally? Shouldn't you be with the others?"

  Wally stood, smiling awkwardly. "About that..."

  "Jason? Roy?" They heard, causing them to look at the blonde girl they came to find. Jason dropped Wally who quickly rebalance himself before watching the interaction.

  What surprised him was Roy lifting his bow yet again towards the blonde who slowly walked out of the hospital.

  Roy glared. "So you are here, you traitorous bitch." Roy snarled, startling Wally.

  Kayla glared. "Watch it, Roy!"

  "Or what? You will stick Deathstroke on me as well?" Roy teased, his glare growing darker... if... you know, that was even possible.

  "I didn't have a choice. I came to this location hoping you would remember the stories I told you. I guess I was correct." She explained.

  "Why wait? Aren't you supposed to be at Deathstroke's side?" Roy continued his hatred being fueled by his anger towards Dick's capture.

  Kayla glared. "I though you heard me when I told you I had no other choice, you dimwit."

  Jason finally stepped in, hoping his hunch was correct. "Did Deathstroke blackmail you somehow?" Jason asked.

  Kayla shot back in surprise before sighing. "He did.." she said lowly. "Dick knew why as well and said he would be okay... as long as no one else had to suffer like he did." Kayla sat down on the rusty bus chair, looking down at her hands. "When I was eleven, My brother and I were taken by Deathstroke in order to fulfil his wish of having the perfect protege. When I failed the test, I was twelve at the time. He decided to try it on my brother... when he was only seven. Deathstroke made him do horrible things. Things that only people who are sick in the head should do. One day, Deathstroke told me he found a worthy candidate for his "perfect assassin" and that he would free my brother and I. He never did." Kayla explained.

  "After that, another three years had passed, living in the same condition, not even knowing if my brother was alive or dead. After word got out that Dick Grayson escaped... He got me and told me to find him if I want to see my little brother ever again. That is how the firat encounter happened. When the second one did... well... I refused him, but he told me he would do to my brother what he did to Dick. I couldn't have my baby brother suffer through that so I told him I'd do it. That's when I met you at chance in Walmart. Deathstroke used his tracker in his arm and walked me to him. After that, I lived with you guys. I needed to help him heal... than break him."

  "You were ordered to break him?!" Wally shouted, causing her to flinch.

  She nodded. "I didn't want to. The whole time I refused him. When I told Dick why I did it... He said I was making the right choice. So... That's how he got captured. I never meant for it to end this way. My brother is only ten and he could not go through what Dick did." Kayla explained.

  Jason thought for a moment, taking in her story. He knew something wasn't right when they met her by coincidence at Wal-Mart, but he didn't question it because he knew it would be pointless to argue with Dick who was set on her joining their band of misfits. Now that she puts it in this perspective, he could see just why she did it. If he was put in her position and Dick was on the line, he would betray someone in a heart beat if it meant rescuing him from the pain he would endure.

  "Kayla?" A small, nearly broken whisper was heard just a few feet from them. They turned to see a boy standing there, his hair frazzled and looking as if he was waking up. His deep blue eyes and black hair seemed to strike a resemblance to the missing Bird.

  "Kyle, your awake. I didn't think you would be up so early." Kayla said, walking over to her brother. She placed a hand on his shoulder and smirked. The boy, as Jason took in, had a few visible scars on his revealed body parts. Scars littered his bony arms and legs, but the one that stood out to him was the one on his face which started from his forehead, went though his left eye and ended on the point of his cheek bones. The eyes the scar was on was a milky Gray, which meant the kid was most likely blinded in one eye.

  Jason chuckled at the irony.

  "This is Kyle, My brother. Kyle these are my friends. Jason, Roy... and.... who are you again?" She asked pointing at the speedster.

  Wally smirked pointing at his chest. "I, my dear, am Wally West." He explained.

  She nodded. "Mhm... well yeah that is about it." She explained.

  Kyle shied behind his sister, holding onto her jacket for dear life. "Sissy... They scaring me." He said quietly.

  "You don't have a reason to fear us. We just need help finding a friend of ours." Roy said.

  "Exactly." Jason looked at Kayla. "I know this is something you don't want to do or remember. But it would be a huge help if you remember where they kept Dick at. A facility or an abandoned laboratory. Anything?" He asked.

  Kayla nodded. "I know where they are keeping him. We just need a little more help than the four of us." She explained.

  "Then it's settled. We need to bring the big guns on this mission if we want to see Dick in one piece." Wally said, folding his arms.  "You guys finally ready to stop hating on us and ask for help?" Wally asks.

  "If it weren't an important matter, I would have shot you." Roy said grinding his teeth.

  "Why?!" Wally shouted, offended.

  "Because of how incredibly dumb and annoying you are. Wally West." He mumbled.

  "Now thats just rude." They chuckled before all of them started towards the mountain, ready to get their beloved Nightwing back and finally out an end to the suffering they are dealing with.

  They just hoped it wasn't going to end in failure like nearly everything has.

  A/N:so.... it's an update :D I hope you guys enjoyed! Everything is going well and I hope to update frequently and get this story moving. It's been stuck on slow pace, but now its ready to speed up into soemthing more! Hope you enjoyed and very sorry for the LAAAAAATE update :)


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