Chapter 28

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Dick raised his head and his expression was blank. He gripped the gun Deathstroke gave him in his hand and pointed it at Jason. "So kiddie league, shall we tango one last time?" Deathstroke asked.

  Dick pulled the trigger and that set every thing into motion. Wally used his speed to get everyone out of the way before the bullet shot a tree trunk behind the group. Dick wasted no time to shoot again. Wally rushed forward and knocked Dick down trying to get the gun from his hands.

  Sportsmaster reached for his "hammer" as he called and pulled it out, wasting no time as he swung the big metal ball towards Wally. Wally was so fixed on trying to help Dick get the gun away he didnt see the heavy object knock into his side, sending him slamming into a tree. Wally collapsed, holding his sides in pain. 

  Dick jumped up like a true acrobat, doing a handspring towards Sportsmasters aura. The gun was with Wally but he had other things to fullfill his "masters" commands. Sportsmaster reached for his standard fighting knife and handed it to Dick. Dick felt for the jacket on his arm and gripped it in his hand ripping it off of his arm and turned to the group. He got into a fighting stance and held the knife so it was angled for melee attacks. 

  "Seems the Tango is starting, kiddie league. who would like the first dance?" Cheshire asked. 

  Sportsmaster sensed someone behind him, looking over his shoulder he didnt see anything but with his Acute senses he knew someone was behind him. He brought his foot up and did a swift kick behind him, hitting something solid. The person was sent to the floor, the magic wearing off to show it was Zatanna who was kicked. 

   Dick rushed forward, ready to join the fight and went straight for Jason's presence, bringing the knife up and catching him off guard with a slice to his forearm. Jason tried to get away from him, but He didnt go far. Dick twirled around and kicked Jasons feet out from under him. Jason fell to the ground, but immediately twirled his foot to try the same thing to Dick. Dick sensed it and did a hand spring backwards, though it wasnt as graceful as he hoped it was. When he came to a stop he sensed someone else behind him. Dick ducked down, sensing that presence go over him and he heard a thud in front of him. 

  Dick stood and rushed the presence which, through his blurry eye was a block of color that was green and yellow. He brought the knife down, catching flesh once again. "AH! Dick snap out of it!" It was Artemis. 

  She grabbed his arms and brought him down, meeting his stomach with her knee. Dick gasped, his breath leaving his lungs. He fell to his knees, holding onto his chest.

  "Artemis, be careful!" Wally shouted, getting up from the ground, slowly.

 "He charged at me first!" She shouted back. 

 Dick felt around for the knife and once he grabbed it, he brought it up. Thankfully Artemis was paying attention and she jumped back, landing on her butt. Kauldur stepped forward and used his watered weapons and lashed them on Dicks wrists, bringing him over to him. 

  Dick was sent fllying towards Kauldur and when he met contact with the ground, he felt a weight on his back, meaning someone was restraining him. A part of Dick was glad someone was stopping him from doing anything else but at the same time he needed to get free to fullfill Deathstrokes command. 

The words "Kill one. Just one, then you can have your freedom. This is more of a command than a negotiation," kept circling his mind no matter how much he tried to ignore it, his body was on auto pilot. He couldnt get free of it. 

 Sportsmaster spotted Roy was on top of Dick, trying to calm him down. He rushed forward but was stopped by deathstroke who held up his hand. "I'll take care of this, you keep the others distracted." He said, pulling out his swords and charging at Roy. Sportsmaster saw Connor charge towards Deathstroke and he circled his hammer around his head before throwing it at the superboy. it collided with his face, catching his attention off  of deathstroke. Bingo. 

 As the others were locked in combat with Cheshire and Sportsmaster, who were doing a wonderful job at keeping most of the teams attention veered towards them, Deathstroke continued his assault at Roy. Jason spotted him and grabbed his gun from his shoe that the guards didnt take and shot a few times. Deathstroke sliced two of the bullets before dodging the other one. 

  "Roy! Look out!" Kayla shouted, who was next to Zatanna, helping her up as she came too. 

  Roy looked up and saw swords coming down on his back. He didnt budge and instead waited for impact. Instead he felt a gust of wind flow through his hair. he opened his eyes to see Deathstroke landing a few feet away on his knees, and wally standing next to Roy. 

 "Nice save, Walls." Roy said. 

 "We need to get Dick out of here!" Artemis shouted, who was being pinned to the ground by cheshire. 

 Roy nodded and looked over at Jason. "Jason, this is a job for you. im leaving Dick's safety in your hands. I'm jumping into the fight." Roy brought the handle of his knife down to the back of Dick's head to knock him out, but before it could make contact, a searing pain in his leg made him break concentration. Dick had used the knife to stab him in the thigh. He brought an elbow up, hitting roy in the side of the face, knocking him to the ground. Dick jumped up and kicked Roy in the stomach.

  "Dick stop! This isn't you!" Jason shouted.

   Dick turned to the presence and inside he wanted to stop, but his mind was taking the command into light. No matter how much Dick tried to fight his inner mind, the serum in his veins was stronger.

"Your wrong. This feels just right to me. I no longer feel the burden I carried with me. Instead I feel light. Beating the shit out of you is just what I needed." Dick said, before charging Jason's presence. He knocked him down, wasting no time he started punching, making contact with his face, stomach and chest multiple times.

  Jason knew this side of Dick was because of whatever Deathstroke did to him. But in order to save Dick, they needed to be alive. No matter how much it pained him, he needed to fight back.

  Jason brought his fist up and collided with Dicks face. Dick stopped punching, looking almost shocked that Jason would hit him. "You hit me?" He said in disbelief.

  Jason gritted his teeth. "If it's what I have to do to save you, then I will do it." He said before punching him in the face again, splitting his lip. Dick's face contorted into anger and he started punching Jason again and soon both of them were punching and wrestling on the ground.

  Deathstroke looked over at Dick who was losing the fight he was in. He couldn't have that. He reached for the device in his pocket that was linked to a metal piece behind Dicks ear and pressed the button. Dick stopped his fighting before a scream of pain was heard. Dick grabbed his head as Jason stopped his fighting to see what was wrong.

  Deathstroke took this opportunity to throw one of his knives watching as it made contact with Jason's side. He laid off the button, seeing Dick go limp in the floor and Jason trying to wake him, ignoring the knife in his side. 

  Deathstroke took that time to look over at his... helpers to see that  Cheshire was knocked out, but Sportsmaster was still locked in combat with Connor, M'gaan and Artemis.

  He cursed, knowing he was limited on time. He needed to end this and fast.

A/N: I know right, when do I update back to back days? Well I was really feeling this book and just started writing. Don't mind the error mistakes in here. My laptop was being stupid and not letting me go back to fix some stuff so when I get the time I will go back and fix some errors I made. Anyway! Enjoy that Chapter!

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