Chapter 7

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Dick hung from the ceiling, taking in the scent of the cell. He didn't know how long he was in that cell for or when he even lost the feeling in his arms, the only thing he could focus on was how much his blood burned at the serum in his body. It was a different Serum, Dick could tell by the way it felt in his veins.  The other one felt like electricity was non stop circulating his blood, but this one felt like molten lava.

  His body, he could tell was malnourished just by the way he wasn't even hungry anymore. His legs barely touched the metal floor and his body was drenched in sweat, so much so that he felt like he had been submerged in a pool and never resurfaced.

  He heard footsteps coming down the hall and he slowly lifted his head, only able to see blurry gray lines. Thats when something splotchy came into veiw, causing him to glare.

  "Time for your dose of serum! Deathy sent me to take you down from the ceiling and inject you." The familiar voice of the scientist raided his ears, causing him to groan. The Scientist just quickly injected him, causing Dick to groan and grunt in pain before the scientist unlocked the bar above Dick's head.

  Dick squealed in pain, dropping to the floor, his arms feeling like they were being stabbed with daggers thousands of times. He could barely move them, paralyzed by the sheer pain of his arms.

  "Whoops, probably shoulda warned ya kid. Be back in the morning!" The scientist said.

  Dick just laid his head back on the wall, pure regret in his eyes. The only thing he was glad about was being able to see blurry colored shapes. Other than that, he felt miserable, scared, and overall pathetic. After a few more seconds of pain in his arms, he was able to move them and he felt his stomach, feeling his ribs starting to poke out slightly, which meant he was malnourished but still slightly healthy.

  He gulped and curled in on himself, wishing he could just be with his friends instead of here. With that on his brain, he fell asleep, his blood still boiling inside of him.

  One Month before...

  Jason and Roy stood up, stretching from the table. They had already paid and left the tip, just waiting on Kayla and Dick to come back.

  Thats when Jason got a bad feeling in his stomach and he turned his head to see what he feared for months to see. Deathstroke was on top of Dick, holding him down. Without explaining to Roy, Jason took off, followed closely behind by Roy.

  He shot outside and instantly his blood pressure rose. "DICK!" Jason shouted, rushing towards Dick. Deathstroke smirked and took his foot off of Dick back and instead, it wnet into Dick's face, causing him to be out cold.

  This set both Roy and Jason over the edge. Roy reached into his back and got out his bow and arrows, readying himself to shoot one at Deathstroke. Jaosn got out his guns, pointing one at Deathstroke.

  Deathstroke just chuckled. "The babysitters finally decided to come out and play. How charming." Deathstroke said.

  Jason glared. "Let Dick and Kayla go. Now." Jason demanded, his voice low and menacing.

  Deathstroke looked over at Kayla who was standing up on the hill. He smirked. "Now that is rich. Considering Kayla was the one who lured him out here in the first place."

  Jason and Roy were both taken aback by that and Deathstroke used that to his advantage, throwing himself forward. Instantly he was locked in combat. He took Jason's gun easily out of his arm and elbowed him in the nose. He grabbed Jasons jacket and twirled him into Roy who fell to the ground on impact, his arrows scattering the parking lot.

  "Dick is mine now. Send my regards to the Dark Knight." Deathstroke said, before bending down and throwing Dick over his shoulder. Jason tried to get up but his thigh instantly stung. Looking down he saw that it was one of Roy's arrows stuck in his thigh. He hissed.

  "Kayla why?!" Roy shouted.

  Kayla glanced down at them and a tear fell down her face. "I didn't have a choice." Was all she said before she was forced into the car by Deathstroke and they drove off.

  Jason and Roy watched as they car disappeared over the peak of the small but steep hill. Jason punched the ground, cursing at himself while Roy walked around, picking up his scattered arrows.

  "How are we supposed to get him back?" Roy asked.

  Jason just slowly stood up, trying to not move the arrow to much as he didn't know if he hit something that may cause him to bleed out.

  "I don't know." Jason said, defeatedly.

  Roy sighed and looked down at Jason's thigh which was already glistening with blood on the fabric. Jason just ignored the look and waddled over to sit down on the cement ledge.

  "We should have seen something like this coming." Roy said. "I just didnt expect it to be Kayla, a rat in our presence."

  "She said she didn't have a choice. What does that mean?" Jason asked, pulling out a pair of pliers from his bag.

  "Probably that it was either her life or his. She shouldve been selfless and chose herself. Who knows what Dick is gonna go through again." Roy said, standing up and flinging his arms in the air.

  Jason just focused on trying to cut the arrow, to make it smaller for walking. "I don't think the choice was that simple. Deathstroke is sinister. Something else is at play here." Jason said.

  Roy lifted a brow at him. "Okay detective, what do you think is at play?"

  "I don't know, but something doesn't sit right with me about this whole situation." He finally broke off the end, hissing when it moved slightly before he tied around it roughly. He sighed, slowly standing up. "I have an idea about getting Dick back but both if us are not gonna like it."

  Roy cocked his head, confused for a second before catching his drift. "No, absolutely not!"

  "They can help us search wider areas." Jason said.

  "No, we are not asking the Young and Justice for help." Roy glared, sending daggers Jason's way. "We have been off their radar for 5 months now, I will not go crawling back just because we made the mistake that we were afraid they'd make by losing Dick."

  "Its our only option. He just made a fool of us. If we get their help we may be able to find him faster." Jason said. "Also I need Jon to look at the arrow. It may have punctured something and the arrow may be the only thing keeping me alive." Jason explained.

  Roy just sighed, giving up on the argument. "Not as if I agree with your decision, but we have to find Dick, so I'm in." Roy said.

  "Alright. Now we have to find a phone so we can contact Mount Justice." Jason said.

  "Don't bother, we can just hitch a ride back to Gotham and use one of the hidden zeta tubes." Roy said, sighing. "I'll just steal one of these cars. You wait here." And with that, Roy took off towards an old Volkswagen parked near the motel they were staying at Jason just sat there, hoping that they can find Dick before something even more terrible happens to him.

  A/N: So yeah, these three chapters are to make up for the giant time lapse this month xD. But It is the last one in a minute. I have work and training... so like... 2 or 3 weeks until I can get an update in ;^; im so sorry! I just have a lot on my plate. But if you guys want to see my finished art that I do, I will post it on an Authors note or something :3 (Trust me, what I have in mind is amazing!) I hope you guys don't get too mad at me! I love you guys and hope you enjoy the chapter! And again I am sorry for ahead of time '^' I love you guys! Stay whelmed!



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