Chapter 16

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They made it to the mountain, Jason having passed out once they got into the bio-ship. Artemis was still blacked out as well, but Kayla and Wally were conscious and already being attended to.

The Bio-ship was quiet, Wally held Artemis in his seat, while Roy watched Jason. Kayla was sitting next to Kauldur and Connor sat next to Wally. Zatanna on the other hand was standing near the back, biting her lip.

"Can you this go any faster?" Roy barked, after Jason groaned in pain.

"I'm trying, but there's only so much speed she can take." M'gaan said, clenching tighter on the circular throttles.

"I'm sorry. I wish I would have been faster." Zatanna said, looking over at Jason, who was starting to sweat on an extremely dangerous rate. His breathing was laborious and in a high danger zone.

"You did wonderful, Zatanna. If it wasn't for you, we would be walking away with casualties instead of injured." Kauldur explained, glancing between Zatanna and Jason. The mountain was coming into veiw and everyone felt a sigh of relieve leave their bodies.

The rest of the ride was filled with agonizing silence, only interrupted by pained groans from the two injured people. Once they landed, Roy and Connor slung Jason's arms around their necks and carried him off gently. Wally carried Artemis bridal style behind them.

When the exited the bio-ship, some of the justice league was standing there, expecting for debriefing, but instead was met with an injured team. Batman wad particularly caught on Jason, worry creeping in behind his mask, but you have to squint hard enough to catch the emotion.

Green arrow and The Flash jumped to help Artemis and Wally, all of them rushing to the med bay.

"Roy, Wally and Kauldur come with me to the Med Bay. The rest of you stay here for debriefing." Batman demanded, walking to Jason's right side to take over Connor's position. Once that was settled, they walked with urgency, without injuring the ones they held.

"What happened?" Batman asked, once in the halls.

"We went to the location and the stealth team did their job, but when we got there it was empty." Kauldur spoke.

"Its like... he knew we were going to be there." Wally breathed, starting to feel the fatigue if the mission. "When we went into the room that Kayla pointed us to, it was empty, but there was a Mic in there. It was a bomb. If it wasn't for Zatanna most of us would be dead."

"She got there and did some quick thinking. We owe her." Roy said, as they turned into the med bay. They quickly placed Jason and Artemis on the table, before Batman started to cut off Jason's shirt to see what they were dealing with.

Roy helped, grabbing a spare pair of scissor from the drawer and started cutting and shredding his shirt until he was fully exposed from collar bone to waist. Batman was shocked at the damage that he was seeing.

The pole was fully through his abdomen, coloring around it with a nasty purple and red. Above the pole showed his ribs, which was also a deep burgundy purple. Batman clenched his teeth. "Oliver, I need you to contact Jon. We need his healing ability." He said. "While we wait for him, I need you to help me take out the pole and cauterize the wound." Batman explained, speaking to Roy.

Black Canary came in, taking the scene into her mind. She quickly rushed over to Artemis and started to help Wally.

Bruce and Roy started on the pole, careful not to make the hole any bigger but try to get the pole out as cleanly as they could. The pole was the size of a metal cane, but that wasn't the issue, the damage it left was. Bruce threw his cowel back, and they both started to twist gently and pull, trying to get the thing out as gently as they could.

A few centimeters pulled out of his stomach, Jason woke up screaming, the pain snapping him out of the slumber. "What the FUCK!" He snapped, trying but failing to push them away from his stomach.

"Stop! You can't move so much, Jason!" Roy shouted, jumping forward to hold him down. Jason didn't appreciate that and brought his hand up, making a fist halfway up and connected it with flesh.

Roy was sent to the floor, slamming into the cupboards next to the counter. He fell to his knees, not expecting such a hard hit from a half dead man. Roy coughed, spitting blood on the floor, before standing back up.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that." Jason apologized, dropping his hand back to the table.

Roy wiped his mouth on his sleeve before taking off the jacket and throwing it across the med bay. "It's just natural instincts, but we are going to have to continue, so..." Roy glanced around before his eyes landed on a belt from a lab coat lying on a rack. He rushed over to the belt, grabbed it and folded it before handing it to Jason. "Bite on this."

Jason lifted a brow, a little skeptical, before popping it in between his teeth and bit down. Bruce looked over at Roy, nodding before going back to pulling the pole out. Bruce gripped the pole and started to yank. Jason's scream filled the room, making them cringe at how pain filled it sounded.

Bruce didn't stop though, he kept pulling, the squelching noise of the pole sliding out of his abdomen made Canary flinch as she tried to block it out and focus on working with Artemis' wounds.

Jason brought his hands up to stop Bruce, but Roy threw his hands over Jason's arms, throwing his whole weight into stopping Jason from flailing and his reluctant behavior to get the pole out of his stomach.

Bruce sent a thanking look towards Roy before pulling once again, this time he tried to pull faster, but that was a mistake. Blood started pouring out of his wound like an uncontrollable faucet. Jason's blood curdling scream sent chills down everyones spines except Bruce's.

Jason cringed and jerked, sweat beading his forehead. The blood started to pool underneath him, the throbbing and pain sent his body into shock. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, before his body stilled.

Everyone who was present held their breaths, waiting for any sign of movements. Bruce didn't remove his hands from the pole, Canary and Wally were stopped halfway with bandaging Artemis' wound and Roy was still holding Jason down.

The stillness of the air made Roy shiver. He watched the blood still pouring out, but it was slower than it was a few moments ago. But that didn't encourage him.

"Jason?" He whispered, taking some of the weight off of his arms.

Jason didn't budge.

His heart dropped into his stomach when he looked down, finally noticing Jason's unsettling-ly still chest. He quickly dropped his head onto Jason's chest, listening closely for some thump of life.

"Is he still with us?" Canary finally asked, the tension becoming unbearable.

"He-" Roy started, moving his head upwards, but the lump in his throat and the silence he was hearing, gave his voice a terrible tremble. "He's not breathing."

A/N: sorry for making you guys wait for this update :3 but here you guys are! Hope you enjoy it! Love you guys and will try to update as fast as I can!

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