Chapter 31

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Dick couldn't help but smile when he heard Wally. For the first time, he wasn't waking up afraid. It almost felt like his whole world was lifted off of his chest at that very moment.

Dick could feel them all around him as he tried to sit up, only to scream and hiss in pain once again. Not like he learned the first time, might as well try again, no harm right?

"Dick! Woah stop pushing yourself your not healed enough to be doing that." Jason said, making Dick perk up.

"Jasonnn~" He slurred, though it sounded muffled against the oxygen mask. He cursed, knowing he sounded silly and most likely loopy off his ass.

He heard some soft chuckling before he felt a comforting hand squeeze his shoulder. "Yes, Dick I'm here. It's good to see you awake and talking." Jason says.

Dick managed a lazy smile, before his eyes started to droop again. He wanted to stay awake and talk, but his body wouldn't allow him. The last thing he felt was pressure on his forehead before darkness again.

Jason bent down and kissed Dick on the forehead before making him comfortable. He turned to the others and smirked. "At least we know he is alive and himself." Jason said.

Wally smiled. "And that's all that matters." Wally spoke before they decided to clear the room, leaving Dick to sleep peacefully.

*a few weeks later*

To say these last few weeks have been hell is an understatement. Dick has been feeling better, but he hasn't been very pleasant to be around. He's been grumpy and complaining a lot, but the others just looked on the bright side, excited to see that he wasn't acting paranoid or afraid. That was all that kept them going through his phase of complaining.

  "Jason I can do it on my own!" Dick snapped, trying and failing to stand on his own.

  Jason groaned. "For the last time, Dick you are in no shape to stand on your own. I don't want to keep arguing like this."

  Just then Kayla entered the room, leaning against the door. "Looks like a party in here." She smirked.

  "Dont you see they have enough of their plate, Kayla." Roy spoke, sliding into the room through the window.

  Jason lifted a brow, pointing at the entrance. "There is such thing as a door, you know."

  Roy looked over at the door and made a face. "Yeah, but the creature is next to it."

  Kayla scoffed. "Excuse me?!"

  Dick chuckled. "Good to hear the runaway gang is back together." Dick joked.

  Roy was finally fully into the room, jumping down next to Jason before wrapping his arm around him. "How's your side doing, Dick?"

  Dick shrugged his shoulders but flinched when it rubbed uncomfortably against the bandages. "What one can expect from being stabbed in the side by Deathstroke's blade. I'm surprised he.... well... didn't hit anything vital." Dick's voice fell off near the end of that sentence.

  Roy and Jason shared a look with each other before looking down at Dick who was in a large fluffy black jacket and really big sweats. He had his hands gripped against a walker, but was humiliated.

  Dick decided to give up. He released the walker and threw himself back in the bed, nearly popping a stitch with how fast he fell down. He could feel their concern but he didn't pay much mind as he started thinking about the past.

  At how far he has come and it actually made him smile. He was tortured, experimented on, nearly killed, mentally and physically abused, blinded, depressed, severe ptsd and yet after all of that he was able to pull through it. He was able to heal, overcome and feel like he could live.

  It made him happy but frightened at what could happen next.

  "Dick you okay?" Kayla asked, her presence coming up next to him.

  Dick nodded. "I am. Just decided to give up because someone was doing to much." Dick looked over at Jason's presence, making him scoff.

  "Excuse me? I was just trying to help ya but noooo. Mr Grayson has it under control." Says Jason, dramatically.

  Just then, Wallys presence entered the room, but it stated in the back, almost as if too scared to come forward. That's when he felt the rest of them. Kauldur, Artemis, M'gaan, and Superboy. Not to mention the new girl, Zatanna.

  Dick lifted his head towards the presence and smirked. "You know you guys can come in, right?" He said.

  Wally flinched. "We know, we just didn't want to interrupt." Wally explained.

  Dick blew a raspberry. "You aren't interrupting anything trust me. It's just the hovering nanny's." Dick says, dramatically pointing to Roy and Jason.

  He heard more footsteps before feeling everyone's presence. For a long hot minute it was quiet. No one was saying anything nor were any movements heard. Dick smiled. Taking this moment to reflect on everything they have done for him. It truly made him happy knowing just how far they went to make sure he was okay.

  Dick decided to speak, holding back his tears as he did. "Thank you." He whispers.

  "For what?" Kauldur asked.

  Dick felt the tears leave his eyes as he choked up. "For everything. If it weren't for you guys, I don't think I would be here." He wiped a tear away. "I have never really thanked you guys. We started this healing process off very rocky and have had our ups and down, but you guys never gave up. I'm thankful."

  "That's so touching." Jason mocked, pretending to wipe a tear away.

  Dick rolled his eyes before shoving him away, though he almost missed. "Shut up. You don't have to be so rude." Dick scoffed.

  "What's the point in shutting up. Teasing you if much more fun." He chuckled.

  They all laughed before joining the conversation. Dick on the other hand was focused on the other presence in the room that felt content. Dick smiled at the presence. Bruce was by the door, listening in, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth before leaving the room.

  Everything was looking up and Dick couldn't help but feel deflated and relieved.  The only thing on his mind is what the future held and it made him wait eagerly for it.

A/N: just one more chapter. It's going to be an epilogue of sorts. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


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