Chapter 5

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Kayla jumped awake, her eyes shooting around the room after feeling a certain pair of eyes watching her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes before freezing, looking up into the darker part of the motel room. She sat straight up and folded her arms, glaring into the darkness.

  "Checking in on your pet?" She asks, putting anger into her voice.

  "The pet I am checking on is the one in the other room. How far has he come?" Deathstroke asked, stepping out of the shadows.

  Kayla scoffed, throwing her motel blanket off of her before standing up. "How far has he come? Why should I tell you? You only want to break him into a mindless shell that follows your every command! I will not do that to him! Not after how much we have grown together."

  Deathstroke smirked, his mask tightening around his face with the wide side smile. "Might I remind you, Pet, that you and Dick are not my only trap cards. I have a certain little brother who I can torture and turn into... what was it you said? A mindless shell that follows my every command."

  Kayla crumpled at the realization of who he was talking about, before crumbling to the ground on her knees. She knew she wanted to help Dick, but she also needed to help her baby brother as well. The fist she made, had her knuckles turn pure white, making her slam it into the ground, hard.

  "He is healing fast. He is happy and he is moving forward from you everyday." Kayla whispered, a few tears escaping her eyes.

  "Oh, that certainly sounds like a problem." He said, walking over to the desk, to sit down, throwing his feet on the desk. "Forgetting the pain, certainly is troubling."

  "I think its swell." Kayla murmured, sniffling through her tears.

  "Well here is the plan then. We have to strike now if we don't want him to fully move forward. The stage he is in right now is accepting the past. I need you to deliver him to me, by tomorrow." He tossed an earpiece at Kayla, who caught it before it hit the ground. Deathstroke stood up and strode over to Kayla. "Use this to signal me. I won't be far, just make sure you get him alone, away from his petty-clinging-babysitters." He stood up and walked to the door, getting ready to leave, but turned slightly towards her. "By tomorrow, K, or I do what I did to Renegade to Kyle."

  After that, he finally walked out of the door and closed it leaving Kayla to wallow in her own guilty consciousness.

*The Next Morning*

  "Rise and shine Richard Grayson!" Jason shouted, causing Dick to groan loudly, throwing his blanket over his head.

  "Go away, Jay." Dick mumbled.

  "Well I can't do that. Its 7 in the morning which means we have to get a move on. We can't stay in one place for very long. So up and at em." Jason called, throwing Dick's motel blanket off of his body.
  Dick instantly felt cold erupt around his body, causing him to jump up and reach for his blanket but could only feel sheets under him. "Jason! Give me my blanket back!"

  "No! Roy is waking Kayla up and I am meant to wake you up!" Jason said, throwing the blanket on the couch in their room.

  Dick just groaned his way out of bed, yawning at least 4 times on his way into the bathroom.

  Kayla and Roy walked into the room, just as Dick was exiting the bathroom. Dick didn't realize it, but Kayla watched him like a hawk, not leaving his face.

  "So, we will get breakfast on the way, but right now, we must checkout. Kayla," Jason pointed. "And Dick, you guys stay put while we go check us out, okay?" Jason asked.

  Dick just nodded, throwing himself back on the bed. Roy chuckled, throwing a brush his way. When it smacked Dick's head, he shot up with a glare at everyones presence.

  "What the hell was that?!" Dick growled, rubbing his head while gliding his fingers along to find the object. "Who threw a brush at me?"

  "Sorry, thought you saw it coming. Your hair is a mess." Roy said.

  Dick's glare landed on the voice and he pointed at his eyes ever so subtly. "Roy, if it wasn't obvious by now. I AM BLIND!" Dick shouted, throwing the brush back at him. Roy caught it before chuckling.

  "Here Kayla, will you help the poor blind man out?" Roy asled, throwing the brush at Kayla who caught it in the nic of time. She watched as they left the room, leaving her and Dick.

  She sighed and reached over starting to untangle his shaggy mess, all the while Dick remained silent. Kayla, after a few more strokes of the brush, finally decided to break the silence.

  "Do you miss being able to see?" She asked, stopping mid stroke on his bangs.

  Dick glanced over at her, his hazed over eyes causing her to flinch slightly of guilt. "Its not exactly how I thought you'd break the silence, but if you so desperately want to know, yes I do. I miss my sight everyday. Its a reminder of how awful my past has been and yet it is a stepping stone to remind me of how bright my future looks right now."

  Kayla gulped, dropping her hand from his hair. She cursed at herself, before looking at the earpiece in her hand. She bit her lip a tear escaping her cheek. Finally swallowing her guilty conscience, she spoke. "Everything will be fine." She grabbed the ear piece and ahoved it in her pocket. "I promise." She mirmured before going back to brushing out his hair.

  "Are you okay, Kayla? You sound a bit... frightened if I were to say." Dick said, folding his arms, although he cradled his injured one to his chest.

  "Dick when Roy and Jason get back and we go to breakfast, want to go for a walk after? Just you and me? I need to tell you something. Something that it private." She asked, not realizing she was shaking.

  Dick shrugged. "I don't see why not.  Jason and Roy im sure won't mind." Dick said before the door opened, revealing Jason and Roy.

  "Your hair looks better, shall we go?" Roy asked, opening the door wide before grabbing his stuff and throwing it over his shoulder. Jason reached for his stuff and helped Dick up, before the left the room, and headed straight for a diner up the road.

A/N: ooooh things are heating up for our bird >:3 hehe .... anyway I am sincerely sorry for the veeeeery big gap in updates. I have been stressing because work is stressful while on top of all of this Simon is  still in the hospital so its been a filled few weeks xD but don't you worry! Things will get back on track. Things are heating up and questions will be asked while friendships will be tested :D

  Big question I need to know: Do you guys think Kayla will help Dick or betray him for her brother? How evil am I? ;D love you guys!

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