Chapter 1 - I am Fabian

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Here I am again... throwing myself into a new book with no preparation or planning whatsoever xD

For some reason, y'all requested a bxbxb book with twins, so here you go since I love you guys so much xD (That means INCEST, incase you didn't pick it up 🙈) And, like in all my short stories, there will be some mature content ^^

Also, a leap is a group of leopards just so I don't cause any confusion >.<

Description, title and cover may change later, and I will try to update at least every 3 days. Enjoy!

Fabian's POV
It's been almost five years since my leap disappeared.

They left no trace, no trail. Whilst I was sound asleep, they vanished. They didn't even leave me a note. Nobody was left behind but me.

I still live in the house I used to call a home, I still traverse the echoey halls that used to be filled with playful laughter and warmth. All that's left now is the ghost of how things used to be, an empty shell of what once was a happy home. But I couldn't find it in my heart to move on with my life, I can't let go of the past.

Letting go seems more painful than holding on.

My parents were head of the leap, and I miss them the most. They're the reason I know something strange happened that night, that they didn't all leave me behind on purpose. I was their only child, and they loved me so much, a love that I returned.

I used to be a confident, outgoing person. But now I'm just a ghost of who I once was. I crave more than anything for somebody to love and cherish me, but most of all, my leopard craves company. Companionship.

I haven't dared venture close to a town or city in years, I survived by hunting for my own food out in the forest. Since my pack went missing, I've only come into contact with animals and werewolves, but the latter warned me to stay away. That a shifter like me wasn't welcome on their turf.

It's been a lonely existence since that day, and I've not spoken with my human voice in five years, nor have I changed into my human form in all that time. There was no need for me to be human, so I just stayed as I was.

Currently, I'm curled up on my parent's old bed, staring at the wall. It gets awfully boring, being all alone. The only time I'm not bored is when I'm eating, washing or sleeping. Other than those times and the rare runs I allowed myself, the hours dragged by. Not the mention that this house is huge. Back when the leap were here, there were over 100 of us. Now there's just me. Leopards tend to prefer solitude, but us leopard shifters are still partly human, and find comfort in being with others.

Suddenly, I was alert. I listened hard, trying it decide if my ears had deceived me. But when I heard the same sound again, I knew I had to be true.

I definitely heard something I haven't heard in years.

A human voice.

I closed my eyes, trying to locate the source more effectively. I finally managed to deduce the voice was coming from the back entrance, and it wasn't a voice, it was two voices.

What are they doing here? Nobody had been here since the incident, not even burglars.

I crept out into the corridor, making my way to the top of the stairs and crouching down, where I knew I'd see the humans if they decided to enter the building.

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