Chapter 31 - Never Give Up

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How did this get to #52 in vampire?! 😱 Thank you so much guys 🙈❤️

Fabian's POV
We tried several things, and not a single one worked. Disheartened, I slumped down on the bed, squeezing my head. I can't do anything right! I can't shift properly, I can't save myself, I can't remember them!

Zion startled me from my self pity as he put a familiar green bracelet made of separate stones around my wrist, which I remember my mother had given it to me.

"We found some of the stones you dropped for us, in order to find you. I had to reattach them to some elastic though, as I couldn't find the original. Plus, you must have snapped it anyway"

I nodded my thanks, fiddling with the dark green stones now adorning my wrist. I still don't remember...

Chase has been gone for at least half and hour, and all Zion says is that he's gone to get something they're sure will help me. But in the meantime, he won't give up trying, just in case.

Just in case whatever they have planned doesn't work.


Eventually, Chase showed up with a huge grin on his face.

"Read this" he said with a smile, carefully handing me a piece of paper. I looked up at him, puzzled. How is a piece of paper going to help anything?

"I really don't think this is going to help anything. I'm never going to get my memory back" I sighed, trying to give the piece of paper back to him, but he wouldn't take it.

"Fabian, come on. Don't tell me you're giving up now!" He protested, crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, but looked down at the paper all the same. I read it all, start to finish, but nothing happened. Not that I was expecting a huge revelation or anything.

Still, two certain sections nagged at my mind, threatening to pull away the fog clouding my memories.

'...I see two kind vampires in another vision of your future, ones who will truly care for you, as much as it scares me to admit.'

'Oh, and if those who are now standing by you are reading this, take good care of my boy.'

That's right... mother was writing about Chase and Zion...

I thought really hard, so hard that my head began to hurt. But I still couldn't fill in the blanks in my mind.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, looking down.

Instantly, I was greeted by a warm hug. "It's okay baby. We can just create new memories together, right?" Chase said softly, smiling.

I nodded, but noticed Zion's frown in the corner of my eye. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he quickly hid his distaste at the suggestion, but explained all the same.

"No. We'll get you to remember. You need to remember how much of an asshole I was, and how I didn't treat you with the care you need and deserve. I know it's selfish, but I need your forgiveness and acceptance of who I am. Until then, I don't want to move forward as you'll begin to fall for a fake me. This loving person you see isn't who I am, Fabian. This is who you want me to be, and I can't keep pretending I know how to love someone when all I know is lust. It's not good or healthy for either of us. Maybe I could grow to love you if you teach me, but I need you to accept me as I am before I let my barriers fall. I don't want to be hurt again, and I don't want you getting hurt either."

"It's a okay, Zion. I forgive you for whatever you did" I smiled. I know he's a good person, deep down.

"No, Fabian. You're too naive. I toyed with you and lusted after you when you were vulnerable and looked for someone to depend on. Until you remember, you can't forgive me"

Now it was my turn to frown. "But I forgive you. I don't care"

In return, he only shook his head and smiled sadly.

I really love both of these men, despite having no memories of them. They're trying their best to help me, and managing to remain positive when nothing works...

I cowered away as Zion flashed his fangs at me, terrified. Is he going to kill me?

"Zion! Not helpful!" Chase's soft voice scolded as he came over to pick me up.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist" Zion's deeper voice chuckled. I saw Chase roll his eyes as he slid me into the bath and began to wash my body.

What was that? It's like a blank in my mind suddenly filled itself in, but did I make that up?

"What's wrong, Fabian? Did you remember something?!" Chase asked excitedly, gripping onto my shoulders.

"No, I don't think so. It was just something I made up about you bathing me. And Zion scaring me by showing me his fangs in a dramatic way" I chuckled quietly, confused when the twins exchanged a glance.

"What were you thinking about before you remembered?" Zion asked, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice.

"Just how much I love you both, despite having no recollection of you"

"It's as I thought" Chase smiled, hugging me again. "Lukah mainly relied on you having a mental block due to the trauma he caused, alongside pain and negative emotions to keep your memories from resurfacing. However, when put into a loving, positive environment, you begin to remember! Thank god, if he'd drugged you to the extent your mother did as well, we'd have a harder time helping you remember. Looks like everything will be okay. In time, you'll remember everything"

I grinned, relived. Everything is going to be okay after all. And eventually, I'm sure I'll get the happily ever after I've been craving since my leap disappeared.

But not until I save everyone who suffered alongside me, and those who are suffering now. I'm never going to give up on saving everyone the HTL, no matter what.

Apologies in advance, I'm on an NCS (national citizenship service) program, starting tomorrow, for the next four weeks. I'm sure I'll be able to update at weekends,and possibly on the fourth week, but other than that I won't have wifi xx

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