Chapter 11 - Home

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Zion's POV
Humans are so weak.

We made it inside the laboratory almost as easily as we would walk into our own home, swatting away the pesky humans that tried to interfere as easily as they would a fly. Pathetic.

We have no problem with humans, not usually. But these humans took and hurt someone precious to us, and will not be forgiven so easily. I had calmed a little, but seeing them stood shaking before me, fuelled my rage.

"Where is he!" Chase's voice boomed through the corridor, causing the guards to tremble so hard that they could barely stand. But not one of the five answered the question.

They had their chance. I won't play so nice.

We may have put a tracking device on Fabian, but we do not know exactly where he is in this huge complex. We need info, although we wouldn't hesitate to search the whole place if that's what it took to have him back.

I grabbed the nearest guard by his throat and shoved him hard into the wall. "Tell me where the shifter named Fabian is, if you wish to live" I spoke slowly, flashing my fangs at him. We will have Fabian back in our arms, no matter what.

There's just something about the little shifter that excites us. Maybe it's his purity, his innocence. Maybe it's something else entirely. All I know is that we have to have him returned safely to us.

"I- I cannot give you that I-inform-mation! Please, spare me, I beg of you!" But I was already too far gone. I snapped his neck, killing him instantly.

"Anyone else wanna play the hero?!" I yelled into the air, the air which smelt strongly of body odour mingled with the fear that accompanied it.

I approached one of the guards who had fallen to his knees, but he blurted out what we needed to know before I got to him. Smart man.

"He's in s-sector C, floor -2! He should be in one of the cells down there, I s-swear I don't know which!"

His words rang as true, so together, Chase and I bypassed the guards and headed straight for the stairs. We avoided the lift as it could easily be tampered with, and we need to rescue our little one soon.

Before they hurt him again.

He's so precious, so fragile. And with most of his memory gone, he's too trusting. He needs protecting from the world, sheltering from everyone except us.

Looking at the hall sign that said we were on the ground floor, we took the stairs down towards -2. But no sooner had we made it to the bottom, a furry golden bundle shot between my legs.

"Fabian?" I asked the whimpering bundle of fluff, who slowly opened his eyes. Bright green eyes met mine, and I instantly knew it was our beloved.

"Looks like he escaped on his own, what a brave boy!" Chase hummed as I reached down to lift the shifter into my arms. But as I did, his body began to shake, and moments later, Fabian lay curled up at my feet in his human form. He's never changed so fast, and to say we were both surprised was an under exaggeration.

"-must help the others! We must help the others..." he murmured over and over, locking eyes with us both in turn. His green eyes we wide and frantic, and it pained me to see him in this state.

"Please Fabian, we have to go. I promise, we'll come back for the others later" Chase reasoned, though his tone told me that 'later' really meant never. Like me, he just wanted our little leopard back at home, safe. That's all that matters.

Fabian looked conflicted for a moment, before nodding hesitantly and getting to his feet. But his body swayed on unsteady feet, and his knees buckled. Thankfully, Chase reacted and caught him before he hit the floor.

"I remembered... lots of things..." the small shifter murmured sleepily as we walked. "I remember what it was like to be an experiment, not knowing one day from another. I had no contact with anyone but the scientists, and when I was sick, the doctors. But occasionally, I heard a faint voice whispering that everything would be okay, that one day, I'd be free. And it came true"

"I also recall the awful tests they carried out on me. They'd inject me with different serums, and cut my body to test my healing. Many people died in that place, and many still do. Chase... Zion... Promise m..." his voice trailed off as he slipped into unconscious, his exhausted mind finally getting the rest it needs.

I turned to Chase, smiling at him and the sleeping boy.

"Let's postphone our visit to his leap's old home until tomorrow, he clearly needs to rest. But first, we need to get him out of this awful place and back to where he belongs"

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