Chapter 8 - Taken

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Ahhh I'm so sorry for leaving you guys for four days and coming back with a short chapter... Life has been really stressful recently, but that's not an excuse I'm sorry >.<

Chase's POV
We tried to run after him, but all too soon lost him in the crowd. I was raging. Zion tried to calm me, but I ignored him, tearing through the humans, angry at them for making me lose my little leopard's scent.

Why did he run from me? I thought he was beginning to trust me, trust us, at least a little...

"I will find him and lock him away. Hell, I'll mark him, collar him, even chain him if I have too!" I growled, earning funny looks from some nearby people. Fuck it, let them stare!

"Please, Chase! Calm down, he probably has a good reason! Maybe he was scared? He hasn't been around so many other people for so long, after all" Zion tried to reason, seeming surprised as the words tumbled from his lips. I was surprised too. What does he care for Fabian?

"He's just a hole to you, isn't he? You don't care about him, you just want to fuck him! You're still pissed that Lukah betrayed you all those years ago after you marked him, so you want to fuck our Fabian to get over him, don't you!" I yelled, seething, not even caring that my words were stabbing him like knives. In that moment, I just wanted Fabian back, in my arms.

He's not even been with us half a week and I'm already falling way too fast. Now I know how Zion must have felt with Lukah...

"Please, Chase, this isn't like you! You need to calm down, think rationally"

Taking a deep breath, I let out a long sigh. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for snapping at you, I didn't mean to hurt you" I whispered, planting a small kiss on his lips, noticing how much I wished to kiss Fabian too.

"He's only been ours for three days yet it feels weird without him here, huh?" Zion sighed, seeming to forgive me. "And, although I don't want to admit it even to myself, I do like Fabian. He's not just some fuck toy to me, you know"

"I know, I didn't mean to say such hurtful things. I know how much he means to you already, you're just not willing to open up yet. You're terrified of being hurt again. It's okay, I understand"

Zion offered a small smile and kissed my cheek gently in return. "We'll never find him if we stay here. Come on, we need to go and get our Fabian back"

Fabian's POV
I recognised the man before me. Yet I had no idea who he was, or how I knew him.

I tried so hard to trigger the change, so I could ask questions, but my body denied me. When that failed, I did what I any sane person would have done to begin with.

I bolted.

But I didn't react fast enough. Something stabbed my thigh, and I began to feel light headed. I tried to run but my legs were slow, heavy, clumsy. My vision began to darken, the world seeming to spin. And eventually, I succumbed to the darkness.


When I finally came to, I found I had managed to turn whilst unconscious again. And that I was strapped down to a hard surface, rope digging into my skin.

It was just like my nightmare. Was that really a prediction?

"Awake now I see. Do you remember who I am yet? I thought this location should spark a few of those dear memories of our time together" The voice from before asked, growing nearer and nearer until I was face to face with the familiar looking man.

I racked my brain, searching for the answer, trying to work out the connection. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure it out.

"I don't- I don't k-know" I responded, my voice trembling. Something about this man stuck fear deep within me, every single part of my body was screaming at me to run.

"Well, no need to tell you everything just yet. Much more fun for you to go through the torment of remembering on your own, when that troublesome drug wears off"

"Drug?" I questioned quietly. What is he talking about? The man chuckled, the sinister sound echoing around the all too empty room.

"You know less than I thought, but all in good time. For now, you may call me father"

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