Chapter 46 - Closure

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Zion's POV
I didn't tell Chase or Fabian where I was going. This is something I need to do alone.

It's been eating at me, leaving Doctor Redi and Lukah alive. If the roles had been reversed, I'd be six feet under, that I can guarantee.

Another reason I need to settle this is Doctor Redi. I know for a fact being a regular doctor, he would have earned more than enough to support his family. That is, if they're even real. I don't buy into his bullshit, but I didn't want to say anything in front of Fabian.

It just doesn't feel right to let them all live, not after what they've done. So many suffered at their hands, and just because they say they're 'sorry' doesn't mean it's okay.

Yes. I'm aware that I'm a hypocrite. I called Fabian a monster when he wanted to kill the doctor, yet I'm about to do what I couldn't bear to see him do.

Soon enough, I arrived at the place Doctor Redi had said he lived with his children. And by first impressions alone, it didn't seem like the kind of place you'd raise four young children. Broken glass littered the yard, and some of the lower windows had been boarded up, clearly after been smashed.

I knocked on the door, pounding the warped wood with my fists until it creaked open.

In the doorway stood Doctor Redi. He looked tired, but his puffy eyes widened when he saw me.

"Hello, Doctor. Funny place to raise young children, and what a great day to wear a white lab coat. Wouldn't you agree?"

He tried to slam the door in my face, but I was too quick for him. I shoved the door back, knocking the doctor over in the process, and stepped inside.

"We gave you another chance, and it was a mistake in our part. It won't happen again" I growled, picking the doctor up by his throat. "So... before I end your miserable life, care to show me what you've been up to? I bet you have been a busy boy!"

He gulped, and squeezed his eyes shut. "Nothing! It just felt weird not wearing one, ya know?" He said as he gestured to his lab coat.

I squeezed his throat tighter. "Don't bullshit me. I can smell blood, and I sense another presence in this house. Why don't we go have a look together, doctor?"

He shook his head. "Please let me live! I beg of you! I don't want to die!"

"Save it. You fooled me once, and it won't happen again. I was the one who spared your miserable life, you should thank me! But it's too late. I always saw through you and your lies. You don't even have a wife, never mind four children"

In the corner of my eye I saw a door was cracked open slightly, and I started towards it.

"Maybe not! But if you were about to die, wouldn't you lie to save yourself?"

I ignored him, and began to descend down the stairs on the other side of the door. And what I saw was a shock, despite knowing what Doctor Redi was capable of.

Lukah was strapped to a wooden table, unconscious, connected to several different drips. What the hell is going on down here?

"It's not what it looks like, I swear! I-I was just trying to treat him, make his condition stable!" Redi tried to plead, but I didn't want to hear it. That was obviously not what was going on, and we both knew it.

"Please, this is what Lukah wanted! He wanted to complete the experiment, more than anything! He gave me consent, it's not like him hurting anyone who doesn't want it! We've stumbled upon a gift, a godsend! Imagine how powerful humans could become if we could shift! Imagine the possibilities!" The doctor raved, waving his arms around.

I'd long since stopped listening. He's disgusting.

"A godsend? A gift?" I laughed bitterly. "Tell me that we it's you who's being experimented on, when you're the one under the knife. Then tell me what a gift it is, doctor, when you're begging for the pain to stop. You don't know the sickening reality. You don't see what's clear as day to me. You're meddling in something that you shouldn't, and innocents are paying the price. Do you know how much it tears me up inside when I hear Fabian's tortured screams of pain everytime he shifts? Do you know how it makes me feel when he cries and begs for us to end it, to take away his suffering? No. No you don't, and you never will. That's why I need to end this, right here and right now. This ends with you. As for your little lab rat? He's next"

The image I'd torn up of Lukah raping Fabian came to mind. Damn right he wasn't going to get any mercy, that I was going to make sure of. This is something I should have done a long time ago, and I would have done if my love for a certain shifter hadn't held me back.

Fabian has always been such a gentle, kind soul, never wanting anyone to be hurt, no matter their offence. But Lukah has crossed the line, and ever since he hurt Fabian, I'd been counting down, waiting for the day I would get my revenge.

I'm doing this for Fabian. To make sure Lukah, nor Doctor Redi, ever hurt him again.

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