Chapter 34 - There's a First Time for Everything

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Fabian's POV
The predatory glint in their eyes combined with the way they stalked toward me made me rethink my decision.

"Um... I'm not sure anymore, you know? Maybe I should just grab a cold shower, it's helped me with this before. I think I have a real problem, and I might need to see a doctor, like, a medical professional?"

They chuckled in sync, and too soon I found myself cradled in Zion's arms.

"Oh, our sweet, innocent Fabian. You're too cute for your own good, makes me want to ravish you so much more. You don't need a doctor or a cold shower. What you need is a little more stimulation, you need release. You need us" Zion grinned, carrying me back to the bedroom.

I half heartedly struggled in his arms as he lay me down, fighting an internal battle. I want the discomfort to go away, but at the same time I don't want to feel vulnerable, not knowing what they're going to do...

"Fabian, please relax. We're not going to harm you in anyway, and when we're done you'll feel much better. No, scrap that. You'll feel pleasure way more intense than you've ever experienced before. Now tell me~ have you ever touched yourself here?" Chase asked, grabbing my bulge and giving it a gently squeeze.

I let out a gasp, but managed a nod. "Of course I have! I don't sit down to pee!"

They smirked, and I mentally cursed my lack of knowledge. I don't understand the question, of course I've touched it! It's part of my body!

"No, have you ever touched yourself here to feel good?" Chase asked, whilst Zion slowly rubbed the sensitive area.

Slowly, I nodded. "A couple of times it felt good to touch there, but I had to stop before I peed myself. Is that normal?"

"Quite normal, you're a teenager! I can't believe you've lasted this long without release, your body must be really frustrated with you!" Zion chuckled, his hand disappearing beneath the fabric of my underwear before continuing. "And don't worry, you won't pee. Promise"

"I- I feel funny again... You've made it worse!" I protested, struggling as Zion removed my underwear entirely. "No! Don't look, it's embarrassing!"

"Seen it all before" Zion murmured, not sounding even slightly worried about my embarrassment. I desperately tried to cover myself, but Chase grabbed my wrists.

"I know how to take your mind off that" Chase said with a grin, his lips capturing mine. I let out a gasp, which allowed him to invade my mouth with his tongue. Barely a second later, I felt hands simultaneously attack my sensitive nipples, causing me to screw my eyes shut.

I never knew it was possible too feel this good... Is it because it's Chase and Zion? How is touching my penis causing so much pleasure?! My whole body is tingling, almost like electricity... I can't focus on anything anymore...

It's too much... It's too much!

"No! Please stop, I'm going to pee! Please!" I yelled into Chase's mouth, but my protests were muffled, hardly audible. And then my protests faded away as my stomach grew tighter and the electric feeling increased.

I closed my eyes, fighting the feeling, but the urge was overpowered and, to my absolute embarrassment...

I peed.

But oh god, peeing never felt so good!

My vision blurred, and I opened my mouth in a silent scream. My body spasmed, and I felt myself pee a little again. And again. Vaguely I could make out voices surrounding me, but my mind and body were in such a state of bliss that I could even form a coherent thought, let alone process words or sounds.

I let myself fall deeper into that sense of calm, and before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.
Sorry it's so short, I'm pretty bad at writing the smutty scenes 🙈

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