Chapter 32 - Zion's Book

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Fabian's POV - two months later
By now, I recall everything. And I couldn't possibly be happier with my own life, despite the hardships I have faced. However, there are other people who need my help.

I can't do what the twins wish of me- to forget about my past and everyone at the lab, and just live a happy life with them. I can't do it.

Besides, Zion barely speaks to me anymore, but sometimes I catch him staring at me with hungry eyes. Chase, on the other hand, smothers me with affection. But I know it's all an act to try and distract me from my goal.

My goal- to free everyone being experimented on, and shut the lab down completely so that nobody else's lives can be ruined.

Even Lukah... I still believe he can be saved. Despite all he's done to me, I feel as if there's a vulnerable boy begging for somebody to save him somewhere underneath his cold exterior.

"Hey, Fabian? What do you want to eat?" Chase called from the kitchen, poking his head into the room.

"Anything" I replied, offering a small smile. My body is still getting used to human foods again after only being provided with raw meat and whatever I could scavenge for years. Chase tells me I'll get ill if I don't change my diet gradually.

He nodded, before disappearing again. I turned to Zion for conversation, who was currently writing in a scruffy old notebook, a thing he'd started a week earlier. But now, he used it more frequently than ever before.

"What are you writing?" I asked out of curiosity, causing him to snap the book shut and slam it down on the table. I jumped at the sudden action, a little scared.

"Curiosity killed the cat" he muttered, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"You know that saying ends with 'but satisfaction brought it back', right?" I said smugly, trying to ignore the daggers he was glaring at me.

Sliding the book across the table to me, he smirked. "If you want to read it so badly, go ahead little kitten. I won't be held responsible for any trauma or anything caused by your nosiness though"

Raising an eyebrow at him -a skill I'm very proud of- I flipped to a random page and began to read.

"Ngh" the boy between us moaned, he sweet cries only further hardening my cock. I watched as Chase's eyes rolled back as he let out grunts of pleasure, and I began to push in harder, sliding my cock against his.

We were both buried to the hilt inside our precious boy, our Fabian, right on the point of no return. I couldn't wait for my essence to coat his walls, for him to squeeze every last drop out.

"Faster!" He mewled pulling in the ropes binding him, and we happily obliged. Settling into a steady rhythm, but also increasing the pace. I groaned as-

I flung the book at Zion, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. What the hell?!

"Pervert! I can't believe you wrote about me like that!" I shrieked as my head fell into my hands. Oh my god, is that book full of filth?

I couldn't help but wonder what the majority of it was talking about. Guys can have relationships with guys, but they can't 'do it' with each other. The anatomy doesn't match up, right?

I don't know much about sex, and though I have 'experimented' a few times, it felt awkward and I always had to jump into a cold shower.

"What? It's called 'creative license', Fabian" he smirked as he stood, slinking towards me like a predator stalking their prey. I wanted to run, catching sight of the lust shimmering in his eyes. When he was close enough, he whispered into my ear. "Since Chase keeps holding me back, I must make do with fantasies. But trust me, sooner than you think we'll have had you in every position, in every room. You must be like a bunny rabbit, being deprived for so long"

His tone of voice seemed to make something stir and awaken inside me, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, Zion's form still hanging over me. I didn't realise until it was too late that his hand had been creeping towards my waistband, and before I know what was happening he'd pushed underneath the material.

"Did my words really have such an effect on you? Such a naughty boy. Don't worry, I won't do anything major without my brother, just a little play around. If you don't want this, you have to tell me before I lose control. You have to understand that I'm fuelled by this, and this is the best way to show you -without going all the way- the disgusting creature I am"

I looked up at him, confused. What was he trying to prove?

I cried out as he grabbed me and started stroking gently. I wanted him... to stop? No, if I didn't want this I wouldn't have let him get to this stage... But I want my first experience to be with Chase, too...

I was about to open my mouth when Chase saved my the trouble.

"Fabian! Lunch is ready!" Chase called, causing Zion to hastily remove his hand and take a seat next to me, right before his brother walked in with a plate of food. He gave Zion an odd look -since he'd been sitting at the opposite end of the table before- but merely shrugged, placed the food down and handed me the cutlery.

He really was an amazing cook, but I couldn't focus on the food. Zion's words were still ringing in my mind.

"The disgusting creature I am"

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