Chapter 20 - The HTL

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Zion's POV
It was a while until we realised Fabian had done a runner. Again.

Seriously, what does this kid want from us? Why aren't we good enough for him?

I know I don't exactly come across as a warm, friendly vampire like my brother, but I must keep my distance from Fabian until I know I can trust him. I'm not a touchy feely, affectionate person, I prefer domination as my form of love. You may not understand, but having another freely give up control to you is the most powerful thing they can do to show their love. Besides, I don't want to be hurt again like Lukah hurt me, and it looks like I was right to hold back as I did. Fabian clearly doesn't want us, so why should we chase him? And he's left me with a mess to deal with, also know as Chase.

"Why? Why would he run from us?" He sobbed, clutching at my shirt. "We need to find him! Bring him back, Zion! Bring him back!"

I've never seen him this worked up over anything, and it pains me to see him like this. He's always been so strong...

I stroked his hair gently, planting a light kiss on his forehead. "Chase, there's no point going after him and forcing him to be with us if he doesn't want to be. It'll just hurt all three of us more"

"But I really felt like he was the one! And after our family's part in selling on his leap, I thought taking him in was the best thing we could have done... God, Zion. He's really gotten into my head"

"I know, it was the same for me when Lukah... So I understand. You need to let him be, Chase. He'll hate us if we go after him, when he clearly wants to be left alone. He's proved that to us time and time again" I told him, tightening my embrace, fearing he'd fall apart unless I could hold him together.

"But he's not like Lukah. I just know it, Zion" Chase replied after a moment, pushing me away gently. "I think there's a reason behind his disappearance"

I scoffed. He just didn't get it. "Yeah, us, Chase. We're the reason"

"No!" He yelled, before softening his voice. "No. I don't think we are. I can't believe we are, Zion! I refuse to believe his tender, hesitant affections were all a lie! He's not like that, he's not like Lukah was. He doesn't have manipulation in him. Trust me, I'd know if he was faking it. After all, I am particularly good at getting my way with kind words. I think Fabian realised that, too. But I'd never manipulate him, and I've never lied about my feelings for him. I think I love him, Zion. And I know he wouldn't just run away like it appears he has done"

I sighed. It was apparent that Chase was just going to keep holding on to the image of Fabian he had created. I too believed that maybe Fabian was the one, but it turns out I was wrong. But Chase let himself be fooled by Fabian's innocent act. Perhaps he's not as innocent as he appeared, after all.

Fabian's POV
I awoke in an unfamiliar room, unsure of how I got there. In fact, I couldn't remember anything at all...

"Subject 17, are you awake?" A voice asked. So that must be my name... That's a funny name...

I nodded my head in response, smiling into the soft pillow. I could stay like this forever...

"What do you remember?" The same voice asked, and I just shrugged. What do I need to remember? This bed is so comfortable and soft...

"It's been a success, then" a different, more familiar, voice said.

I peeled my tired eyes open slowly, letting them adjust to the harsh overhead lights. Three men stood at my bedside, two of the dressed in white lab coats with clipboards, the other in more casual attire.

"Do you not remember me? My name is Lukah, my love" the man on the left said, sounding sad. The name made something stir at the edge of my mind, but I couldn't grasp onto whatever it was. But I do know that name from somewhere...

"I'm sorry, I don't know you" I replied, giving him a confused look. Who were these people? Who am I?

"Your name is Seventeen, or Subject Seventeen, as you're part of a human trial, my love. And my name is Lukah, I'm part of the same trial, although my trial is complete. And you are my lover"

"Your... lover" I questioned, repeating his words. He nodded, stoking my hair aside with a single finger.

"Yes, your lover, dearest. You had a nasty fall, which is why you can't remember anything" he turns to the doctors, waving a hand at them. "You can leave now"

They nodded, leaving me and Lukah alone.

"Does your head hurt?" He asked, and it was only then that I released my head was throbbing. Or maybe it only just started throbbing, I'm not entirely sure...

"I can make you feel good, if you'll allow me too" he whispered, his hand already disappearing into my shorts. I gasped as he brushed his hand against my most sensitive area.

"No!" I whimpered, pushing him away with all my strength, but he didn't budge. This felt so wrong...

"Why not, dear? You let me make you feel good before, maybe your head injury affected your reasoning" he remarked, his expression turning nasty for a moment. But just a moment, leaving me wondering if his kind expression had changed at all.

"I don't know who you are, and it doesn't feel right..." I replied, gasping as he ignored me and started to run his hand up and down my length. And as much as I didn't want this, my body betrayed me by responding to his touch.

"Please stop..." I tried again, but he just smirked at my protests and stroked faster.

"It doesn't look like your body wants me to stop" he grinned. Thankfully, somebody knocked on the door, and he withdrew his hand. "Come in!" He yelled towards the door, licking his hand free of my pre-cum.

I shivered, grimacing at the fact he'd affected my body the way he had. I don't even know who this Lukah is...

"You're wanted in Sector A" the doctor at the door said, motioning for the man to follow him.

"Fine, I'm coming. Be a good boy while I'm gone, Seventeen" he waved at me, blowing a kiss. I shuddered.

I don't know where I am, but I sure as hell won't be staying here for very long.
Four updates in a row?! I think I've been replaced by an alien tbh 😂😂😂

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