Chapter 14 - The Truth

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Sorry that it's been over 2 weeks since I last updated, my GCSE's have started and I just couldn't find time to write up the chapter from my tablet onto my phone. Apologies in advance, but until around 26th June updates will be super slow as I have to focus on preparing for these exams, they're really important and the results I get will influence what job I can get in the future. I hope you'll all understand and be supportive through this time, I bet some of you have exams too ^.^ Anyways, thanks for still being here xx

Chase's POV
I watched as Fabian's face paled, before his brow furrowed in confusion.

"I've seen that before, in a flashback..."'he murmured, pointing at the plastic container. It appeared that he had not connected the water tanks and the empty plastic containers yet. And does he even know what dipothemine is?

"Fabian, do you know what this drug does?" I asked, but when I glanced up I found that he was staring at the bottle in my hand with a blank look on his face, like he wasn't actually seeing. It was then that I realised he was having another flashback.

Fabian's POV

The memory washed over me with such ferocity that I almost cried out. It felt like my head had been set on fire on the inside as memories struggled to free themselves from their mental prison.

"He can't cope! We have to make him forget! It's for the best and you know it. Well make him think he's our child, for his own sanity."

I remember my adoptive father's words from that night, the night that had led to me having this discussion with my mother in the basement.

"Fabian. You know that I love you, and that I'd only do what's best for you?" My mother asked me. I felt myself nod in response, slowly, unsure of what she was getting at.

"Do you want to get rid of your bad memories? Do you want to forget the pain?" She asked, taking a step closer. I took a step back, shaking my head and eying the hand she was holding behind her back warily.

"It's part of who I am, momma. If I forget, the suffering I and so many others endured will have been for nothing. And someday, when I'm big and strong, I'm going to free everyone! That's why I must remember!"

I saw a tear fall from my adoptive mother's eye as she made a seemingly random gesture with her hand. I eyed her suspiciously. Surely she wouldn't go against my wishes?

Suddenly, two people grabbed my arms pinning them to the wall of the basement behind me. I screamed and thrashed against their hold, but the were fully grown leopard shifters, and I was still but a child.

My attention shifted back to my mother as she brought a folded piece of paper from her pocket and slid it into a gap in the brickwork. "Fabian, when the time is right, you will remember this, and you will retrieve this letter. It explains everything. I'm so sorry, but this is for your own good. I hope someday, you'll realise this too"

By now she was directly in front of me, and after that it all happened so fast that I barely even registered it happening. She stabbed a needle into my thigh and pushed down on the plunger.

"No! You're no better than the scientists!" I yelled, catching the hint of guilt that flashed across her face briefly.

"Please forgive me, Fabian..." she whispered as I began to feel drowsy. 'Mustn't forget. Mustn't forget. Mustn't forget' was what I chanted in my head as I lost consciousness.

Gasping for breath, my eyes focused on Chase's worried face that was a little too close for comfort. I shrunk away automatically, trying to comprehend what I had just learnt.

My next thought was the letter. I knew I needed to read what was inside, that it would reveal everything that's been kept away from me, in the dark.

But I don't know if I'll be able to handle the information I'm about to learn, especially as it could change my view of the world I thought I knew, forever.

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