Chapter 22 - The Lost Village

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Lukah's POV
That night, I couldn't get Fabian out of my mind, even as I fucked my other toys.

"Please, Sir! I can't take it!" The whiny little bitch beneath me groaned, bucking his hips upwards. So damn needy!

"Shut your mouth, did I say you could speak?!" I roared at him, slapping his cheek. He whimpered, but I didn't slow the pace of my thrusts. Mercy isn't my thing. After all, nobody had mercy on me in the past, why should I give others that luxury?

Fuck, this doesn't feel as good as it used to though, not when all I can think about is a certain shifter. But I'm not allowed him, not until the stupid vampire twins have been subdued, and the experimentation stage is complete.

To think it was the twins' father who helped us look for Fabian and gain that huge batch of real shifters so long ago is almost impossible, especially when every move they make conflicts the HTL's interests.

"Please, Sir!" My bitch whined again, writhing. I almost, almost, let him release, just to get this out of the way. But that would be an act of kindness above me.

None of my boys are doing it for me recently, not since I set my sights of Fabian. What's worse is Zion, who wanted me so disgustingly desperately, is one of the ones fighting for the little shifter.

But mark my words, I will have him.

And they will be eliminated.

Zion's POV
"I know how we can find him" I told Chase, who's eyes shot up to meet mine, a hopeful expression filling them.

"Really?! You mean it?" He exclaimed, jumping up to his feet. "Then what are we waiting for!"

He ran for his shoes and had begun tying the laces when I grabbed his wrist and pulled him upright again. He turned, confusion written across his face.

"Hey, what's the rush? This is the first time in a while that we've had time to ourselves. I've almost forgotten what you feel like" I smirked, my breath ghosting over the shell of his ear.

I felt him shudder in excitement, but he pushed me away all the same.

"No, Zion, not right now. Fabian's our focus right now, god knows where he is or what's happening to him. If he tells us that he doesn't want us, I'll leave him be. But until I hear those words from his mouth, like hell I'm wasting a single moment!"

I huffed in annoyance, rolling my eyes at him. What does it take to seduce him these days?

Knowing I wasn't going to win, I pulled out my phone and got maps up on the screen, before clicking Fabian's tracker. "Look, Chase. This is where he is"

His face paled, and it wasn't until I looked properly at where Fabian is that I understood.

"The Lost Village? Are you sure that thing isn't broken, Zion? There's no way he's there and still alive!"

He's right. Nobody that goes I'm there comes out alive. Well, apparently. Nobody has every come back, so we don't exactly know. But rumours speculate that the Lost Village is a place where malevolent spirits who are unable to move on live, due to leading extremely sinful lives, and whoever goes there loses their own soul and joins the ranks of the restless dead.

That's definitely not somewhere I want to go, and somewhere I won't allow Chase anywhere near. I'm not risking him for this shifter.

As I thought the words, I felt sharp pang in my heart, and a fierce possessiveness overwhelmed me. Damn it, I've become obsessed already! No! I cannot allow this!

I tried my hardest to suppress the desire to seek out the young shifter, but my attempts were thwarted by my instincts, and I began to feel a deep longing for the boy.

Wait... I know this feeling, I've felt it before... There's only one thing that could've caused this, but couldn't possibly have done it without realising...

"Zion? Are you okay?" Chase's worried voice rang out, before I heard him inhale sharply. "Oh no, Zion. You didn't, did you?!"

"I don't remember!" I yelled clutching my head. Shit, shit shit! I must've done it whilst I was asleep!

See, I have a tendency to 'sleepwalk'. Well, I say sleepwalk. More like I give in unknowingly to my desires whilst I'm unconscious. Even if I'm not fully conscious of those said desires.

"Show me your eyes, Zion" Chase demanded suddenly, grabbing my chin and forcing my face in his direction. "Your eyes are darkening. That means..."

I groaned, slapping my forehead. "I put a temporary mark on him..."

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