Chapter 35 - Hunger

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I'm early af with this update, even if it's short xD I'll still update again this week, but I guess I just felt more motivated ^.^

Fabian's POV
As I rouse from my heavy slumber, the first thing that hits me is the coolness of the air, mingled with both Zion and Chase's unique scents. Taking a deep breath in, I let out a long yawn, stretching my achy muscles.

Streaks of sunlight seep through the curtains and blind me, causing me to pull the duvet up over my head. However, I soon realised I'd have to get up at some point, so I reluctantly uncovered my face.

I blink, close my eyes, and blink again, before sitting up, dragging my feet off the bed, and rubbing my knuckles onto my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up. I must have slept really well, I've never woken up feeling this refreshed.

I stretch my arms above my head and yawn again, scooting backwards so my back is against the rest on the bed. That's when I notice I'm wearing a shirt that's way too big for me.

Looking down at myself, I realise I'm wearing one of Zion's shirts. Huh, that's odd. I don't remember changing into this...

And then it hits me. Memories of the euphoria I felt the previous night, stimulated by their gentle touched and wandering hands. I close my eyes briefly, lost in the remnants of that pleasure.

Until I remembered -albeit vaguely- pissing myself due to their touches. And Zion had been in the firing line.

Mortified, I sunk back down into the bed, cringing internally. And at that moment, said vampire began to stir.

"Mm? Oh, morning Fabian" he grinned, taking in my slightly pink cheeks. "How are you this morning?"

"Good" I mumbled, rolling over. Big mistake. Never turn your back on Zion, the vampire pervert. He pounced on the opportunity to spoon me, dragging my small form to his, where I fit snugly. I wouldn't usually complain, but after peeing on him last night I wanted to curl up in a dark corner and disappear.

"Where's Chase?" I asked, trying to distract Zion from my current awkwardness. It seemed to work, and he looked away.

"Um... he's... in the shower"

"Zion? Why are you lying to me?" I questioned softly, aware of how short his fuse could be sometimes. However, I need to know if Chase is okay.

"Sorry, I just didn't want you to worry. Truthfully, he's not been doing too good recently, but you've been too preoccupied thinking about revenge on the HTL to notice" his voice turned bitter at the end, and I flinched a little.

I tilted my head to the side, silently asking why he wasn't feeling great. Zion's words stung, but I knew they were true. I've been so focused on revenge recently, and that knowledge gnaws at me. That's not who I am.

"If you must know, it's because he's refusing to drink from anyone else but you, despite the fact that neither of us have tasted you yet. And before you go and do something stupid like offer yourself to him, that's not what I want you to do. I just need to talk some sense into him"

I nodded, but inside I had already made up my mind, the second Zion told me why Chase wasn't well. How long has he been hiding his hunger from me, just so he wouldn't hurt me? I owe them both so much, it's the least I could do...

"Where is he?" I asked, and Zion just shook his head.

"No. You're not going to look for him. Last night really tested his limits, more than you know. Believe it or not, I have more control and restraint than he does, although he doesn't like to admit it."

"Zion. Let me up" I tried to sound demanding, but it came out as more of a plea. However, after a moment it seemed to work as his arms released me from my warm prison.

"Fine. But don't blame me if you end up hurt. Or incredibly horny. Or both of the above"

I rolled my eyes. Some things never change.

I get my GCSE results on Thursday, I'm so nervous >w< Good luck to everyone else collecting their own, I honestly don't know how I'm going to open that envelope. I'm most worried about English tbh, I don't wanna have to retake >.<

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