Chapter 44 - Heat

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Chase's POV
"I want a baby"

I turned my head to look over at Fabian in shock. What did he just say?

His bleary eyes locked with mine, and he repeated the words I thought he'd said. "Chase, I want a baby"

I continued to stare at him in shock, glancing briefly at Zion -who lay on the other side of Fabian- for help, but I found he was asleep. Fuck.

"Make me pregnant, both of you" he hummed, grabbing my hand and kissing it three times.

I swallowed nervously, unsure of how to respond. He does know he can't get pregnant, right? Right?

"Fabian, you can't... ah shit" I don't want to hurt him, and the way he was looking at me with his big, round eyes...

"You can't get pregnant, dipshit" Zion's voice grumbled, still croaky from sleep. I silently thanked my lucky stars that he broke the news instead of me, but he could have done it more nicely.

"We did... it, though, and we didn't use contraception. Surely I might be?" Fabian mumbled, sitting up and gathering the covers around his naked body. "I really want to have your babies. Please?"

He looked at me again, and I looked away. Damn, this kid will be the death of me.

"Did you even listen to me? You can't get pregnant, stupid!" Zion grunted, throwing his pillow at Fabian. He squeaked and dodged, causing it to hit me square in the face.

Zion hates mornings, he's always especially grumpy after he wakes up. Try waking him up before 9am, I dare you. Bad idea.

It's currently 8:24.

"But... I want your children..."

Suddenly, before I could even blink, the covers had been thrown off and Fabian was pinned under my brother.

"Listen to me, little shifter. You. Can't. Get. Pregnant." Zion hissed.

"Zion please stop, you're scaring him again!" I tried to reason, only able to watch as Fabian's small form squirmed under Zion's much larger one. And then I realised something.

Fabian wasn't scared.

He was getting hard.

Did this really turn him on, or... No. It can't be.

Is he in heat?

"Fabian, are you okay?" I asked quietly. He shook his head.

"Smells... so good... I feel... so hot..." he mumbled, his body writhing on the bed as Zion climbed off him.

"When we bit him yesterday to fully claim him, we must have triggered this. Again" Zion grinned. "Can't say I hate it though, I mean, look at him getting all hot and bothered!"

Oh god, he's such a pervert... Why are we related again? Sometimes I wonder if we're even siblings. We're twins by appearance alone.

And then something more important struck me.

"Zion... I swear normal leopard shifters don't have a heat..."

He tore his eyes away from Fabian to give me a 'so what?' glance. "Yeah, and? He's artificial, we know this"

"He's been created like the other artificial shifters. You know why?"

Zion remained silent, and by the expression on his face, I could tell he was following my train of thought.

"He was created so that if he turned out well, they could use him like a stallion... To breed from"
I left the door open for mpreg, since I don't know what you guys want.

Leave a comment, you guys decide where this goes, since I write for my readers x3

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