Chapter 18 - Not Again

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Fabian's POV
Without a second thought, I leap out of the open window. Bending my knees to brace my less agile human body I landed, shock waves shooting up my legs.

I ignored the pain, dashing onwards into the trees, following the familiar scent. The sun was beginning to set, making me realise how stupid and an idea this was. I should have told Chase and Zion first, I'm sure they would have been more than happy to accompany me.

And now they're going to think I was running away.

My steps faltered as I thought of them, but the scent was becoming stronger, renewing my urgency. I can't have her taken away from me, not again. Not when she's so close.

I could see a space between the trees up ahead, and a figure was kneeling in the middle. It had to be her!

I stumble into the clearing, skidding to a halt immediately when my eyes met hers.

I nearly choked at the sight before me, my eyes beginning to brim with tears at the stay of her. It was my mother alright, but she didn't look like herself.

She was kneeling, bound and gagged, bruises littering her skinny body. I took a hesitant step backwards, noticing the collar around her neck. After recovering from the initial shock, I ran over to her, beginning to undo the ropes, tears flooding down my cheeks.

"Who did this?! I'll kill them! I swear it!" I sobbed though my tears, anger building within me.

She grunted at me thought the gag, shoving me away with her shoulder, her wide eyes seeming to be trying to warn me of something. I didn't understand, so I reached around to undo the gag.

"You need to leave! Run, Fabian! Just go!" She yelled, shoving me with her shoulder again. More tears fell down my cheeks as I fell backwards onto my butt. Couldn't she see I was trying to save her?!

"Please, Fabian! There's nothing you can do for me, don't you see?! They're using me as bait to get you back! Go now, before it's too late!"

"No! I just got you back, I can't let you disappear again!" I cried, desperately trying to undo the tight knots. But they wouldn't budge.

"A touching reunion, too bad that I have to end it"

I spun around as fast as I could, but nobody was there.

"Try again, subject 17" the voice mocked, and I felt them tap me on the shoulder. Again, I turned rapidly, only to be met with empty air.

"My name is Fabian!" I yelled into the air, my anger rising. "I am not just a number in your experiments anymore!"

"I tire of this game already" the voice sighed, close to my ear. And before I could turn around, strong arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close. "Did you miss me, little runaway?"

I struggled against his hold, kicking out and screaming for Chase and Zion. But the man -who I now knew was Doctor Redi- smothered my yells with his hand.

"Ah, so it's true that you're in the care of Chase and Zion Dragomir. I've been told as much, though I didn't believe it to be true"

"Let him go! Let my son go!" My mother cried desperately, and in response Dr Redi dropped me and walked over to her, shoving the gag back in her mouth and tying it around her head once more.

It pained me to see my mother treated so roughly, but I knew what I needed to do. I need to run and get Zion and Chase. But as a human, Dr Redi will catch me with ease. Now is the time to learn to change on command. And if I cannot manage it, I dread to think what will happen.

I closed my eyes, and slowed my breathing, crouching down. "What are you doing?" Dr Reid's voice hissed, but I blanked him. I need to focus.

"Stop it! Stand up this instant!" He yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. I gasped, my eyelids flying open.

I'm sorry, mother. I failed you.
I was struggling to find a way to make two chapters merge into one, so I'm posting this one now, and I'm going to post chapter 19 tonight, that's why it's so short xx

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