Chapter 5 - Lukah

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Zion's POV
As I inhaled the leopard -Fabian's- scent in human form, I knew. It was like Chase had said; he was just like Lukah. The bastards did the same thing to him!

Anger clouded my vision, overpowering me. My form began to tremble as I felt my control slipping away. I know it's dangerous to lose control, but I couldn't help it. All I could see was red.

It may appear like all I care about is satisfying my urges, so to speak, but I really want to learn to love Fabian like my brother loves him. But I'm still too broken to love again. My trust in others is still in pieces, and slowly, I'm trying to collect them and put myself back together.

Lukah left me broken, I loved him so much. We both did. But he stabbed us in the back, he betrayed us, betrayed our trust.

Chase was able to heal more quickly than I, because his connection wasn't so strong. That's because I completed the first stage of mating, I marked him. Chase scolded me for being so rash, but I was completely taken in by the boy's charms. I was convinced he loved us.

Lies. All lies. How could I have been so stupid?

That is why I detach myself emotionally from everyone, apart from Chase. He would never betray me; he's the only one I can truly trust. And the way he looks at Fabian with such adoration reminds me of the way I once looked at Lukah. And it hurts, knowing Chase may have to go through the same thing I did.

Fabian doesn't seem like a bad person, but neither did Lukah. How I wish I could love so easily as my brother does. He's so caring yet careful, so nice. I'm just the one everyone thinks is an asshole, the one everyone hates...

"Zion, please calm down. You're scaring Fabian" I heard Chase saying, but his voice sounded so far away. I whipped my head around to look at Fabian, where he sat rocking in the corner, wide green eyes gazing up at me, filled with fear.

Suddenly, I didn't see the boy with dark hair and bright green eyes. I saw Lukah's big brown eyes looking back at me, almost completely obscured by his blond locks.

"Lukah..." I whispered, walking towards the boy and dropping to my knees. "Lukah... please don't leave again..."

And then, it was Fabian's scared green eyes staring back at me in confusion and fear, not Lukah's. I brought my hands to my face as I started to sob, so he wouldn't see me cry. I must not appear vulnerable; he might use that vulnerability to his advantage. Just like Lukah got into my heart and tore it apart without a second thought.

I gasped when I felt small, warm arms wrap around me hesitantly. "It's okay" he murmured. "Please don't cry"

A little taken aback, I didn't know what to say. There wasn't anything I could say. So I just wrapped my arms carefully around his small, frail body, completely enveloping him.

He tensed up immediately, until I began to stroke his back soothingly. It was then that his body relaxed into mine, allowing me to manoeuvre him so he was laying across my lap, cradled in my arms. Just like Chase holds him.

I have to admit, I'm jealous of my brother. He has such a pure soul, making it impossible to not love him. And he always looks for the goodness in others, believing everyone is born with the ability to do great things, depending on what they do with their lives. Personally, I think he's delusional.

"Maybe we should take Fabian into town to buy him some clothes" Chase suggested with a smile, seeming pleased that I was holding the little boy so tenderly.

I nodded in agreement. "I think you're right. And so am I, when I thought I wouldn't be disappointed! I mean, look at his cute little butt!" I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at my brother.

Fabian's face turned a light shade of pink as he moved to cover himself, just as Chase threw some of his clothes at us.

"Change into these for now, little one. We're taking you shopping"
Super short again, but you guys seem to prefer frequency over length. I'll post a longer chapter at the weekend as I'll have more time to write then, and I'll try and update again before that asap xx

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