Chapter 26

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Chase's POV
What the hell just happened?! One minute, Zion was standing by my side. The next, he's spurting what I now realise was farewell speech, before disappearing after Fabian!

Lukah and the doctor fled the second they realised they no longer held the advantage, like the cowards they are. They're going to pay dearly for this, but revenge won't bring Zion back. Nothing will.

The only good that came of his recklessness is Fabian's safety, although the price of that was too great. What the idiot thinking?!

Fabian, who now lay with his head propped on my lap, began to stir. Slowly, his eyelids opening, to reveal his stunning green eyes. But the sparkle that usually made its presence known in his beautiful orbs was gone, and he looked up at me vacantly, like he wasn't even really there at all.

And then the words that would shatter my world again spilled from his lips.

'Who are you?"

I'd managed to hold myself together through everything, even my own brother's death. But those words broke me completely. Fabian's the one thing I thought I had left, but he's like a stranger now... Zion's stupid sacrifice meant nothing...

"Mister? Why are you crying?" The innocent voice asked, and the sound of it hurt me more than the silence previously had. Oh god, what did they do to him?!

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his shoved me away, quickly scrambling to his feet.

"Monster! You're the enemy! Where's Lukah?! You took me from him, didn't you! How could you?!" He yelled, balling his tiny hands into fists, which he proceeded to hit my chest with.

I barely felt a thing. The emotional pain was too much.

I let him hit me, the sadness growing inside me like a disease. What did they do to him? Whatever it was, it must have been horrible...

Then, I noticed a slip of paper tucked into the pocket of Fabian's white hospital trousers. Hesitantly, whilst he was preoccupied with hitting and yelling at me, I took the piece of paper and unfolded it.

If you're reading this, congrats, you won. You get to keep the prize you've won, so long as you can keep him safe from us.

Oh, but he'll never be the same. In fact, he'll always hate you. Isn't it wonderful how fragile the mind really is?

I hope you have fun with your pet, though I'm afraid I may have dirtied him a little. Apologies if you wanted to take his innocence, I just couldn't hold back! And he was so willing, screaming my name. Check his other pocket and you'll find a photo, just for you. He felt amazing, by the way. And I left some stuff inside, hope you don't mind.

All the best,

I felt my blood boil, and I ripped the note apart angrily. If he actually touched Fabian like that... He better be lying, I'll kill him!

Talking a deep breath, I pulled another folded piece of paper out of Fabian's other pocket. It took me a while to gain the courage to unfold it, but when I did, I was horrified.

That son of a bitch isn't going to make it out alive next time see him.
Just a quick one, but I plan to update tomorrow night too ^^ And I couldn't think of a relevant chapter name, so I left it for now.

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