Chapter 40 - Trust No-One

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Sorry this update is so late, I've been making my Jellal cosplay for my next convention and I completely forgot to write :3

Fabian's POV
Lukah, as promised, got me inside the lab without any issues. I can hardly believe that I'm here again, with one of my tormentors no less, but I'm doing this for the others. For all the children taken from families, and those born here. For the people whose screams kept me awake at night. For all the strangers, who are just friends I haven't met. For everyone taken advantage of by the researchers. For the people who can't protect themselves. Everyone.

Taking another deep breath to attempt to calm my nerves, I followed Lukah down the winding corridors, dressed in the white lab coat and long wig he'd provided. I had no doubt it'd work against the security cameras, but if we came across a real person? No, not a chance.

"We haven't got all day, Fabian! Hurry up!" Lukah hissed, glaring at me over his shoulder with those cold, emotionless eyes of his.

"Um... On the map you gave me, didn't it say the power room was back there?" I asked, jabbed a thumb over my shoulder. Lukah just shrugged, getting his phone out and texting someone, before putting it back into his pocket.

"I've been here all my life, Fabian. I know where to go and what I must do"

I followed him silently after that, my feet dragging on the floor. Something doesn't feel right. Something has felt off this whole time...

"Well, here we are" Lukah said, stopping so suddenly that I walked into the back of him. Rubbing my nose with a grimace, I glanced upwards to see the sign on the door that read 'Power Room - Authorised Personnel Only.

"Thank you. I don't know how to repay you for this..." I said, looking up at him. He stared back, not saying a word.

I reached out and grabbed the handle when a thought suddenly struck me, stopping me in my tracks. Lots of people work in this place, and we didn't pass a single one. That can't be right...

I let go of the handle and backed away from the door, but Lukah was now stood right behind me. Now I know my suspicions were justified.

"No! What have you done, you weren't helping me at all! You double crossed me!"

"Oh Fabian, what did I say? I told you not to trust me, yet you chose to anyway. Pitiful.
You're so naive"

Suddenly the door flew open, and something was quickly shoved over my head, making my world go dark. In that moment, I cursed myself for being so trusting. I always seek the best in people, and that always seems to backfire on me...

Deep down, I hoped Lukah could redeem himself, that he could change. But I was a fool.

"No! Let me go!" I yelled, thrashing around, kicking out at my attacker. I'm still so weak. I've always been so damn weak!

"You're one of our most valuable test subjects my boy, and yet you somehow keep slipping from our grasp. Isn't this becoming a pattern? You escape, yet you always seem to end up back here. And this time, you're going to become a permanent resident. You'll never feel the wind in your hair again, nor the sun on your skin"

I let out a loud snarl, bringing my knee up hard before I shifted into my leopard. Fudge, it still hurts so bad but at least it's getting easier and quicker, thanks to Chase and Zion's lessons... Remind me to thank them. After I decide to give them the benefit of the doubt and forgive them.

Before I could be grabbed again, I shook free of the lab coat that now lay in a pile around me and skirted around the fallen doctor, rushing into the power room and slamming my body against the door to shut it before shifting back.

If I can find the button to cut the power, I'll be as good as free! The others will help take down the doctors! And so my frantic search began.

I scanned the room, looking for a big red button but not seeing one anywhere. Emergency electrical shut off buttons are usually big and red, so they can easily be identified in emergencies... Ah! There it is!

As fast as I could manage, I turned the key, pulled it out and slammed the button. The room went dark, but I could see perfectly well. A leopard's eyes are build for nighttime hunting.

And this leopard has some prey to hunt down.

Y'all probs saw that coming with Lukah xD

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