Chapter 24 - The Search

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Chase's POV
We're on the outskirts of the Lost Village, and I already long to just turn back. The atmosphere is overwhelming. It's so cold, and the air seems to almost push down on us as we travel deeper into the overgrown trees.

Before we left, we obviously told our father where we were going. And he only agreed to let us go if we promised to wear the two rings he gave us, and never take them off. He didn't fully explain why, but I guess it's somehow important.

"Swear to me that you'll never take these off, not whilst you're near that place. I could not bear to lose either of you. Not after the loss of your mother, who died as a result of your birth, as you know. You're all I have left, you and Liliana, but I do not wish to smother you. Take care, my boys"

Nervously, I took Zion's hand. I can feel eyes on us, watching us, following us. I don't like this one bit, but I keep reminding myself why I'm here, and my uncertainty is instantly replaced with determination.

Although Zion admitted that he does like Fabian, how deeply that 'like' goes is still a mystery. I don't know how far he's willing to go to save the boy. I'd give my life if I had to, without a second thought.

"What are you thinking about?" My brother whispered. In response, I just shook my head. He doesn't need want to know my doubts surrounding him. It would only drive a wedge between us, and I want to trust him, I really do.

"Hey, Zion. Look at that" I gasped, letting go of his hand to point at a small but recognisable object on the floor.

It was almost completely covered by leaf fall, but the unnatural  green colouring shone through the decaying leaves like a beacon. Carefully, I removed it from its resting place.

"That belonged to Fabian, right?" Zion asked, peering over my shoulder. I nodded mutely, rolling the small stone between my fingertips.

"Belongs, Zion. Don't talk like he's already lost, please..." I sighed, clasping the stone in my fist and putting it in my pocket. Did he sacrifice such a sentimental item just to try and lead us to him? I'm sorry, Fabian. I should have searched more throughly. Maybe then we could have had you back home and safe by now, if I'd only been better at finding you...

Zion's POV
I know Chase has his doubts about where my loyalties lie, and I'd love to tell him not to worry. But I'm not 100% sure myself yet. I'd protect Chase with my life, but how far am I willing to go for a cute boy barely trust? I guess time will tell.

I just don't want to make the same mistake as last time. Fall for a cute boy, only to get heartbroken. This time, I want to make sure Fabian is the real deal. That he's being genuine, not putting on an act to fool us.

"Ah shit!" I exclaimed. Chase spun to face me, startled. I stared at my phone in disbelief, before shaking it rapidly. Chase looked at me like I'd gone insane and needed locking up.

Hey! Don't you look at me like that too! I mean, I'm not on the sex offenders list yet... Though Fabian is testing my limits, I'll admit.

"The signals from Fabian's tracker are being blocked by something!" I explained, and he nodded his head in understanding.

"I knew they'd find it eventually, it was just a matter of time" he informed, as though it was completely normal.

Well, that's just great. Anything else want to go wrong and give us grief whilst we're at it?

"Um. Chase. My phone battery just died..." I whispered as the torch I'd been using on my phone blinked out of existence. Perfect. Just perfect!

Vampires have above average senses, including eyesight. But this place somehow nullifies our advantages, making our eyesight much worse than normal. Maybe it's the fog.

Then, up ahead, I made out a figure, despite the lack of clarity. But the figure was too tall to be Fabian. So who the heck is it?
Just a short update because I couldn't figure out how to end the chapter, and it flowed better breaking it into two xx

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