Chapter 25 - Lost

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I don't really like this chapter, it feels rushed. But I'm going to publish it anyway and edit it at a later date, so sorry if it's not that great xx

Chase's POV
"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled, angrily marching forwards to close the distance between us. "Where's Fabian?!"

The person -man- took a causal step backwards, chuckling to himself. "Tsk tsk, so demanding. All in good time, all in good time. You know, I'm a huge part of the reason that you're still alive so I wouldn't push me if I were you"

I exchanged a look with Zion, who gave me an equally confused look back. The man before us merely laughed.

"Poor, poor vampires, you look ever so confused. Well, allow me to enlighten you." He spoke mockingly, snapping his fingers.

Instantly, a cloud of thick, black fog emerged from the trees, covering the entire west par of the forest. But when I looked more closely, I could make out individual faces, arms, legs, hands, all straining to escape what appeared to be a thick membrane surrounding them. I tore my eyes away, disgusted.

"What is that thing..." Zion whispered, his voice deathly quiet. The man laughed again. Man, that laugh is staring to irritate me...

"A gathering of restless souls from the Lost Village that we collected and trapped. It was quiet simple, really. The membrane works as a one-way system, meaning all we had to do was lure the spirits in. Of course, there are still plenty of those souls that we haven't collected, and they'll soon be free again. Once you are eliminated. Oh, do pardon me for not introducing myself. I am Doctor Redi, head researcher and operator at the HTL"

"We?" Zion questioned, and I was thinking the same. By now I knew that 'we' could mean other doctors, but I had my doubts. Why bring them out here if he had us where he wanted us?

"There's no point hiding any more. Come on out, and bring him to" the doctor called behind him.

I moment later, a figure emerged from the trees. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but judging by Zion's sharp intake of breath,  I had a pretty good idea. And my suspicions were soon confirmed.

"Lukah" Zion breathed out, releasing a breath I didn't realise he'd been holding. Damn, this is too cruel. The doctor must know about Zion and Lukah's past, and that's exactly why he is the one standing here now, when it could have been anyone.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Lukah was carrying Fabian on his back until a second later. I stepped towards him, only to have Dr Redi bring the black cloud threateningly closer.

"Patience, patience. Why the hurry? I'm here to make a deal with you, you'll all be back together soon enough" the doctor grinned, coming closer to us. "All you have to do is listen to what I have to say"

Zion barged passed me, storming towards the doctor until their faces were inches apart. "Oh yeah? And why should we listen to you?"

I don't know if it's just Zion being a fool, or the mark making him act so recklessly. Either way, though we may be vampires, he's going to get us all killed...

The black cloud grew uncomfortably close to me, the screams and cries of the spirits echoing around where I stood. It threatened to smother me completely, but the ring on my hand emitted an eery glow that countered its advance. Covering my ears, I hurriedly made my way to where Zion stood.

"I was going to let them rough your brother here up a little to prove a point, but you both came prepared with those troublesome rings. But I can think of someone who isn't so lucky. Lukah, why don't you lay our dear Fabian on the ground so we can show these moody vampires why they should cooperate with us, hm?"

I was about to run forwards and make an attempt to grab Fabian from where he lay unconscious, but my intentions were sensed by Dr Redi.

"Do that, and I'll have Lukah over there break a few of his bones. Or... you can just stay where you are like a good, obedient vampire, yes?" He mocked.

I growled, but backed off again. Stupid human. I'm going to make sure he pays for this, when we have Fabian safely in our possession. I'm going to ensure that nothing will ever hurt him again.

The doctor clicked his fingers again, and Fabian's small frame was covered by the darkness. I could hear him whimpering in his restless sleep, and it broke my heart.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Please, you're hurting him!" I cried out. "We'll listen to what you have to say! Just please, stop..."

"That's a much better attitude. Shame we had to hurt your prize possession to get to this stage though, but no worries. So, how about a comprise? Fabian lives, under our care, if both of you give up your lives? Sounds fair, yes?" He chuckled, examining his nails absentmindedly.

"No" Zion snarled. "You said we could all leave together!"

The doctor grinned. "Yes, I suppose I did. But I didn't say you'd be leaving alive, did I?" And with another snap of his fingers, the cloud of spirits lunged for Fabian's unconscious form once more.

I don't know what happened, but I froze. I could only watch the scene unfold before me as I was paralysed, unable to move.

Zion sprinted for Fabian, and tried to pry him from the spirits' grasp, but they held fast. I could only watch as Fabian slowly slipped away, his soul fading as his become one with the trapped souls. Zion's form was also becoming blurry, but I could see enough to notice he'd turned my way.

"Chase, listen to me. I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better brother, and tell Fabian that I'm sorry I couldn't be the supportive, caring person he needed in his life. I love you, and I always have. God, I probably wouldn't even be alive right now without you, so you deserve all the happiness I can give. Don't blame yourself for this, brother. I made this choice alone" Zion cried, reaching a hand out towards me as he to disappeared into the black cloud.

I started to sob, thinking they were both gone, until suddenly, a red glow shone from within the cloud, and I saw the spirits back away from Fabian. It was only then that I realised what had happened.

A low rumbled resounded around the clearing, and it began to rain. It was almost as if the skies were mourning with me.

Zion had given Fabian his ring, sacrificing himself in the process so that Fabian could live. And I didn't even make a move to save either of them. What a pitiful being I turned out to be...

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