Chapter 43 - All Night Long

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One of my favourite MEP's above (this is a no judgment zone xD) May give a not so subtle hint about the content of this chapter ^.^ Also I was tempted to call the chapter 'good things come to those who wait ;)' but I reconsidered since my writing of this kinds of stuff isn't great xD

Zion's POV
As we made our way home, I vowed silently to become a better, stronger person. Not just for Fabian's sake, or Chase's sake, or anyone else's sake for that matter. I'm going to do this for me.

"Give him to me" I spoke suddenly, gesturing to Fabian's sleeping form, who was currently being held by Chase. He gave me a questioning look, but did as I asked, handing him over with care.

"So beautiful" I sighed, stroking the sleeping shifter's dark hair with my free hand, marvelling at how such a lovely creature could also be so strong.

"Huh? Urgh..." Fabian groaned, opening his eyes slowly and squinting. When he had adjusted to the light, he looked up at me with his big green eyes, nuzzling into my chest.

He's never felt comfortable enough with me to do that before... It feels... nice I guess?

I leant down to plant a kiss on the top of his head. "I'm sorry" I whispered into his hair.

He opened one eye to look up at me again, and goddamn it was the cutest expression! "Sorry for what?" He mumbled, his voice croaky from sleep.

"For everything. For all the hurtful things I said. For all the times I scared you. For loving you. I still don't believe I am anywhere close to deserving you and your love"

The house came into view through the trees just as Fabian was arguing his point that he didn't believe any of what I'd said was true. Wow, good timing for him to be awake.

"You're going to go and get washed, then we're all going to bed. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted. I think the same goes for Zion" Chase sighed, taking the lead down the well-worn path that led to our home.

"But I'm not tired anymore" Fabian whined, before coming out with something that surprised us both.

"I wanna do it. Please?"

Fabian's POV
Neither of them responded to my request, and we made it back to the house in the most awkward silence imaginable. Well, it was probably only awkward for me. I just wanted to curl up and disappear, before I died from further embarrassment. It took all my courage to ask, and all I got in response was the most uncomfortably minute of my life?

"Did you hear me? I don't wanna say it again" I whispered, not meeting their eyes. Oh god, please let me just become invisible!

"Of course! What do you wanna play? We have scrabble, monopoly, twister..." Zion joked, counting each game out on his fingers.

I shoved his shoulder, my cheeks burning bright red. "Please take me seriously! You're making me feel like a child!"

"I'm sorry, Fabian, I couldn't resist messing with you a little. We were both just so stunned by your request we didn't know what to say" Zion chuckled. "Are you sure though? We don't want you to feel pressured in any way, we want you to give us your everything voluntarily"

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my level -I'm short, okay?- and kissed him. He looked shocked for a moment, before closing his eyes. I may have initiated the kiss, but he quickly took the lead, and I closed my eyes, too.

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