Chapter 13 - New Family

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Fabian's POV
"Momma? Who is he?" I vaguely made out a voice asking.

"A boy in need of our help, darling" another replied.

Where am I? Who are these people? It's so bright...

I forced my heavy eyes open, only to come face to face with a small girl. Frightened at the proximity, I startled, looking frantically for a place to hide.

Noticing I was on a bed, I crawled as fast as possible off the far side and slid underneath, finding comfort in the darkness. All my life, I've had bright medical lights shone at me, blinding me. This darkness... it's so peaceful. It doesn't feel threatening, it's almost welcoming, I feel safe for the first time...

"Why did he do that, Momma?" The girl questioned, though only silence followed. A moment later, the sound of the door opening could be heard.

"I trust you healed him, Michelle?" The new voice asked, pausing as they awaited a response. "Good, your duty is fulfilled. Take your daughter and leave us, I must find out what ordeals he has been through to end up on our doorstep"

Soon after, the door clicked shut again, indicating their departure.

"Do you want to come out and tell me who you are and how you ended up here, honey? It's okay, we're alone and I'm not going to hurt you, I promise"

The owner of the voice sounded trustworthy, so I slowly crawled out from under the bed, finding myself gazing up at a woman.

She didn't look like a bad person, she appeared friendly enough. But her whole body screamed authority.

"I am subject 17" I answered as she wrapped a blanket around me. I don't quite know how I managed to become human whilst I was unconscious, but I don't suppose it matters.

"Subject 17? Do you have a real name?" She asked. "Mine is Kathy Davies"

I frowned. Wasn't subject 17 my 'real' name?

"I don't know" I answered eventually. "I thought subject 17 was my name. That's what all the doctors called me, anyway"

At my response, I could have sworn a flicker of anger ran across Kathy's face, but it was gone so quick I could have imagined it.

"Well, is it okay if I give you a name?" I nodded slowly, still not completely sure of what a 'real' name was supposed to be. "Does Fabian sound okay? You look like a Fabian, and it's much nicer than calling you by a number, don't you agree?"

I grinned and flung my arms around her, tossing the blanket aside. The doctors never gave me a name, and I don't remember my life before the lab. I feel as if I've been accepted into the family, but a part of me knows I'll be kicked out as soon as I'm deemed 'better'. It's always the same.

"I'll take that as a yes then, Fabian! So, do you have any family to go to, or would you like to stay here with me and my family?" Kathy asked, surprising me. So she's not going to kick me out after all?

"I have no family, I've been living in the HTL for as long as I can remember" I told her, not moving my eyes from the floor.

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