Chapter 36 - Feed

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Sorry this is so late, I couldn't update was because Wattpad was being temperamental and not letting me post with data, and on the school wifi Wattpad is blocked so I had to write this chapter out in notes 🙄 Also, I've just started sixth form, so I'll still try my best to update but they're probably not going to be as frequent, especially with the wifi issue combined with the workload xx

Fabian's POV
It didn't take long to find Chase -who was in another bedroom- sat on the edge of the bed. When I entered the room, he jolted, snapping his eyes up to meet my own.

"No, Fabian! Please, don't come near me right now!" He begged desperately, his voice hoarse, sounding almost as if he been crying.

As I closed the door behind me and my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, the first detail I noticed was his sharp fangs glistening in the dull light. I took a step back automatically, before putting on a brave face and stepping towards him again.

"No. Let me help you"

He shook his head vigorously, holding his hands up as I stepped forward again. "You're not ready, and I'm not stable. Please leave, Fabian, I may well end up killing you  if I lose control..." his voice was a low whisper now, almost raspy.

I almost nodded in agreement. Leaving sounded great, and maybe I'm not ready for this after all... But no. I refuse to be a burden to them anymore.

"I refuse. I won't leave until you give in, Chase. I trust you, you won't kill me I know it"

He laughed humourless and shook his head again, but I could see the hesitance in the action. I knew he wanted to, and with the right persuasion...

"You don't know that, Fabian. You don't know what I'm capable of, what this thing that I am is capable of. I said no, and that's final! Don't make me do this, please!" He begged, and my heart almost broke at hearing him sound so weak.

But I ignored him like I knew I had to, sauntering towards him, putting in a brave face and flashing him a confident smile. Well, as confident as I could muster. This doesn't come naturally to me, but I need to look certain.

"No, Chase. You're going to drink from me, like I know you want to. Zion told me you're refusing to feed from anyone else. This is your fault for being so damn selfish!" I hissed, regretting my words almost immediately when he flinched.

"You don't understand, Fabian. You'll never understand, because you're not like me! It pains me to even consider feeding from anyone else, when you and Zion are the only people I care about! Zion's blood cannot sustain me as we are both vampires, his body needs the blood too! And I don't want to feed off a stranger, because it feels like I'm betraying you! Don't you get it? When a vampire drinks from someone, it's a very intimate thing, and I hate doing it anyway! I hate it so much, especially when my victims leave dazed, looking like they've just had the best high of their life and not realising what's been done! It hurts, Fabian! It hurts!"

I didn't understand much of what he said, but I got the idea. However, just as I was about to approach him, the door swung open, illuminating Chase's shaking form. We both winced at the sudden light.

"Looks like you better feed now then, huh? Don't want to have drag your sorry ass outside and force you to drink from a stranger. I've been listening for a while, and Fabian is practically throwing himself at you! Can't you see he wants you to get better? He's been so damn brave, willingly coming here and offering himself, not knowing what to expect. So put on your big boy pants and drink from him, okay? I'll stop you if you lose it, I promise, but I know you won't. Well off you go then!" Zion exclaimed, shoving me towards Chase.

I stumbled and fell, landing in a heap at Chase's feet. He met my eyes, but quickly looked away.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, dragging me onto his lap. "I can't... hold back... much longer..."

I scrunched my eyes shut tightly, trying to prepare myself for the inevitable pain. I can do this, I can do this. I chanted in my head, taking a deep breath.

But nothing happened. No pain, no nothing. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes, to find that Chase had bitten deeply into his own arm, and was furiously drinking.

"Stop him!" Zion yelled, but I could only watch in horror. He was drinking from himself?! Now I don't know much about vampires, but the sight unnerved me. It was just plain wrong!

"Stupid boy! This is your fault, move aside!" Zion yelled, practically throwing me away from Chase by my wrist, but not letting go.

He'd managed to detach Chase from his own arm, and proceeded to shove my wrist into the vampires' mouth. "Drink, brother, or I won't hesitate to drag a random maid from Father's residence here and make you!"

At this point I was terrified, but refused to let it show. "P-please, Chase" I begged, and eventually, he gave in.

I was ready to bite back my screams, but the pain wasn't as great or dramatic as I'd expected at all. I realised that I'd exaggerated it in my head. All I felt were two pricks, more painful than a needle but still not excruciating. But what I failed to prepare for was the feeling of pleasure I didn't know I'd receive from a vampire's bite. And oh god, was it the best thing I've ever felt.

Everything was a blur, my world spinning. I heard myself laugh giddily, but the sound was detached, seemingly distant. And then the pleasure I was feeling doubled, and I cried out as my stomach tightened and released several times.

And then I blacked out.

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